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    Curious George
  1. Thanx guys for sharing your thoughts. I think that the difference between the dV values is twisting some force on lunchpad which i cannot describe. Something like gravitational force which is not in VAB pulling the rocket down from lunch stability enhancers and twisting the calculations or some atmo pressure ..However i managed to land on Ike ! Needed little bit more fuel and changed the spider engines to twictches and done it with 3550 "lunchpad" vacuum dV.
  2. Hi everyone! Im new here and this is officialy my first post slowly getting grip on KSP absorbing info as much as i can. I have a few qestions for you as a intermediate player. What im trying to do is build the most efficient rockets and stuff because thats the way i like to play KSP. So Recently i downloaded KSP dV map and started building my new project. The project is Ike rover (Leonardo 1). According to dV map i need 3400 m/s vac. to LKO (80km), etc. 1600 m/s vac. to Duna "hoffman style" and around 500 m/s vac. to catch, orbit, and land on Ike. I know these are harch numbers, but just for reference. Using both KER and Mechjeb to calculate my dV i built something like this: Everything is ok until i get to lunch pad. Mechjeb is showing different numbers and KER is showing different numbers: My idea was to make orbit (80km) with first 3 stages (asparagus staging) and using 200 m/s dV from stage 4 to finish circularization (to leave no orbital trash) and then leave to Duna transfer with 1600 m/s left in that stage. I can get this design to get the job done with little more fuel but im trying to be efficient as possible. I know theres a lot of factors i need to look at (eng. atmo. eff., twr, ...) but my qestion is why is Mechjeb and KER showing different vacuum dV numbers in VAB and on the lunch pad? And how do you build your efficient vessels? Sorry for my grammar im from Slovakia. Thanks!
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