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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Tech Tree was gone, Rocket editor messed up, probably conflicting versions... I'm running latest vanilla KSP. Anyways, thanks a lot mate, I'm back on track now! Cheers
  2. well... I got Ronsey Kerman, but my tech tree is gone now... When I open the research center no tech nodes are displayed... un- and reinstalling the game brought no change...
  3. there you go mate: https://www.dropbox.com/s/h5kvjdibw7suh4g/quicksave%20%2357.sfs?dl=0 thx in advance for your help
  4. Hey folks, I guess I've encountered a bug. I accepted the contract: Rescue Ronsey Kerbal from the surface of the Mun. I landet next to the capsule but it's empty, no Kerbal in sight (and yes, I did switch to it). I did see him tho some time ago displayed as an icon on the mun during another mission. There are currently 0 EVAs registered at the tracking station... just the lander. What should I do? Is there any way I can find the Kerbal?
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