Thank you so much for your quick replies. There was enough information here to help me solve my issue. I figured it was a simple setting somewhere. I had no idea that my graphics card had a "stereoscopic 3D" setting. That little tidbit of information led me to the google machine to figure out how to disable it. From Control Panel, I opened my NVIDIA Control Panel. From the left side task tree, I selected "Stereoscopic 3D>Set up stereoscopic 3D". From there, I unchecked the "Enable stereoscopic 3D" box. Problem solved. It's weird that I've been running this card for over a year, and I've played dozens of games on it. This is the first time this has come up. Yeah. This is one of those things I never want enabled. Strange that it would come enabled as the default setting. That whole concept of 3D vision in movies has never worked for me due to an eye condition that I have. I appreciate all of your help. Bryan