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Everything posted by CAKE99

  1. OSDC has finished, ignore this. Anyone at OSDC (Open Source Developers Confrence) 2015? Well I am, tomorrow before lunch there will be a lecture by Paul Fenwick called "To the moon: FOSS lessons from building the Comprehensive Kerbal Archive Network" I will be going to that one. If you are there my name tag says CAKE.
  2. 25 #TheHashtagGoPositiveIsInMyGoogleAutoCorrect
  3. Do you have a e-waste recycling center near you? If so then you can check for old PCs, my current (and my previous) gaming PCs are both from a e-waste bin.
  4. Yes, I will add the 2 pages of the landing later today. EDIT: Status update! I am at the Hobart airport!
  5. 7/10 Segways! (BTW I added 3 new pages).
  6. 3 Moar pages! So, a update about real life, I will be going to Hobart for a few days, I will still post new pages though.
  7. 2/10 Just saw you on the number war, I have also seen you in other places.
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