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  1. Whilst I am not unbiased about MH370 debate, if the evidence from France suggests the flaperon remained attached to a floating wing for three months there were really only two candidate wings sized objects sighted, both ignored by Australia at Malaysia's insistence. Sighted by satellite 16 March 2014 and this object sighted two days later about 63km away: Both of which were a long way south of the seabed search area
  2. My first post here so sorry if I replicate something already addressed. Regards recovery of the FDR from the seabed, of course the actual location itself will tell us something in respect of fuel endurance. If the location is significantly south of the current seabed search area then it would disprove the detour claimed around Sumatra. If there were significant separation of the wings from fuselage & relative lack of crush damage to wings that would imply mid-air break up before impact with the sea. http://www.ladepeche.fr/article/2015/08/21/2162976-mh-370-a-balma-l-enquete-technique-est-bouclee.html Some details have started to leak out of Toulouse. The barnacle variety is consistent with South Indian Ocean (SIO) however the flaperon would have to have been semi-submerged beneath the surface for at least 3 months. This implies a couple of things. 1) It implies the flaperon remained attached to rest of wing until June 2014. 2) Given the extensive air searches along 7th Arc one whole 27m long wing drifted past searchers unnoticed. 3) The flaperon separated from the wing due to wave action 4) Somehow the wing impacted the sea without crushing the flaperon????
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