I\'ve been trying to build a spaceplane for most of the last couple of days... So far I\'ve just sent a lot of kerbs to their deaths. One of three things happens. [list type=decimal] [li]My control surfaces don\'t work, the plane flies in a straight line off the runway until it hits a hill.[/li] [li]My control surfaces do work, but not properly, and the plane goes in all sorts of stupid directions because they randomly change which way they\'re working (classic example tried out a plane and all the surfaces moved together wonderfully, removed an engine without touching any of them and suddenly one set started pointing down on hitting W and the other set pointed up...)[/li] [li]My control surfaces point the direction they\'re supposed to, but the plane rolls on the runway until a wing clips the ground before it can really take off.[/li] Frustrating as hell. Especially since I can\'t actually tell what I\'m doing wrong. It would also be useful if most of the control surfaces had an obvious 'Up' and 'Down' marking so that you know when you were assembling them and having to spin them around with WASD whether you had them on upside down.