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  1. Pretty sure that this is hard-coded, as I have tried (with no success) to use a reverse tricoupler to send the fuel from 3 tanks to one engine. Only one of the tanks gets used and the other two just get jettisoned while still full.
  2. duk3luk3: Those are exactly what I was looking for! Now, I just have to find someone that can make me a nice looking model for it (perhaps a 3-leaf clover sort of deal) and it will be great. I don't really like having really tall rockets at this stage in my rocket building career. Short and stubby ones, on the other hand, are quite interesting to me. Thanks again!
  3. I am wondering if it is at all possible to make a reverse tricoupler. A module that would act like a tricoupler, but go from 3 to 1 instead of 1 to 3. If it is possible, would someone be interested in making one of these for me? Thanks in advance.
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