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Everything posted by Jonno

  1. In my experience, it is possible to run RP-1 with 8 GiB RAM, but not with 6 GiB RAM. That said, 8 GiB is not exactly a nice experience. To get it working, I'm using Linux with a 6 GiB swap disk (equivalent to a page file in windows), and starting X without a Desktop Environment (i.e. no start menu, desktop icons, background image, etc.). So on Windows, MacOS, or a normal Linux install, you'll need at least 12 GiB of RAM. And that presupposes that you use the low res graphics pack, for the medium res graphics pack I estimate that you would need at least 16 GiB of RAM.
  2. @chrisl: Oh, my sounding rocket high capable rocket cost about £1900, I just got almost £1700 back once I parachute recovered the first stage...
  3. @MatBailie: Yea, it is possible, just like it is possible to hit the Moon with a sounding rocket, but that is not the intended/recommended way to play the game, as evidenced by the "have the pre-requisites of Survivability" prerequisite. @chrisl: The point is that once you have the pre-requisites of Survivability getting there is within reach, if you prioritize doing so. As I haven't it has cluttered my control centre list for about 2 years in-game, but I don't begrudge it that, because I know if I had focused on that instead of the lunar contracts (that has been available even longer), I could have done it long ago. I did remember the tracking station requirement, and I managed to upgrade the tracking station, the mission control centre and the launch pad, as well as reaching 41 KCT upgrade points, all without going to the moon (or doing planes, or crewed rockets), though I've completed 6 contracts in the weather satellite series. Sure, I have sent up about a dozen pure sounding rockets since I reached orbit, but that was mostly my own fault (I spent everything I had on KCT upgrade points to research faster, only having to spend time milking sounding rocket contracts to be able to afford the part unlock cost to actually use what I researched). Increasing the reward for sounding rocket contracts is not the answer, as it is it is already possible to milk over £3000 (one medium and one high contract) by spending less than £300 on launching a sounding rocket, but doing so quickly becomes tedious. If anything the weather satellite contracts should pay more, so you don't have to do so many sounding rockets. Or even better: add more early satellite contracts...
  4. @chrisl: I also recently started a new RP-0 campaign on 1.1.3, and have had similar thoughts as well. After some investigation, this is what I came up with: The "Position satellite in a specific/(geo|helio)synchronous/(geo|helio)stationary/polar/molniya/kolniya/tundra orbit of <object>" contracts are stock contracts, with only minor modifications for RP-0. The logic for what orbit around which body to offer is from stock, and as such isn't very well balanced for RP-0, but there isn't much that can be done about that (except getting rid of them entirely). There is a series of simpler (weather) satellite contracts starting with "Atmospheric Analysis" that should show up in parallel to the stock contracts. If it doesn't show up immediately, try dismissing some trivial (one star) contracts until it does. The re-entry contract already require you to have the prerequisites for Survivability (so you can start researching it as soon as you get the contract). Personally I think that is enough, but I can understand how others could disagree. I fully agree that the Lunar orbit contract should depend on the Lunar flyby contract. It is enough to be able to get Lunar flyby and Lunar impactor simultaneously.
  5. I've done that several times with less than 1% boiloff, you should only see 50% if the trip takes over 4 years, so there must be something more than just boiloff affecting you...
  6. You certainly need to take boiloff into consideration or risk ruining a mission, but that is true even for the 9 less frequently used cryogenic fuels. However, except for LqdHydrogen, the best solution is often to pack some extra fuel, not to use less efficient but non-cryogenic fuels, and you don't necessarily need the actual Cryogenic tank type, I did my first successful interplanetary mission with LqdOxygen in a ServiceModule tank (and Kerosene in a Default tank), packing 12 litres extra LqdOxygen to compensate for a year of boiloff during the trip. 338.6 ISP minus boiloff was a quite frankly a much better option than 278 ISP without boiloff, even on a 1 year mission...
  7. Actually not: LqdAmmonia, Diborane, Ethane, Ethylene, OF2, N2F4, FLOX30, FLOX70, and FLOX88 are all slightly cryogenic, but boils off at much slower rates than LqdOxygen/LqdMethane, and even LqdOxygen/LqdMethane boils of rather slowly: In a Balloon/Default/Structural tank you will loose about 1.30% in a month, but in a BalloonCryo/Cryogenic/Fuselage/ServiceModule tank you will only loose about 0.25% in a year. LqdHydrogen boils of much faster, in a Default tank you'll loose 1.47% in a day, and LqdHydrogen in a cryogenic tank will boil of at exactly the same rate as LqdOxygen/LqdMethane in a non-cryogenic tank (eg 1.30% in a month). Exact rates can be found in GameData/RealFuels/Resources/RealTankTypes.cfg, where the loss_rate value is boiloff rate per second (the percentages I listed above was derived using (1-(1-«loss_rate»)^(«days»*24*60^2))*100% ).
  8. Adding the following to a *.cfg file in the GameData directory should do the trick:
  9. BTW, speaking of antennas, should an omnidirectional antenna really reach Earth from the Moon? As far as I can tell the Apollo missions had to use dish antennas to communicate with mission control, so including a starting omnidirectional antenna reaching that far seems wrong to me. Perhaps the Communotron 16 should get a shorter range, somewhere between 400 km and 2 Mm, so it reaches Earth from geostationary orbit, but not from any lunar orbit...
  10. Notably there are three DSIF ground station with a 500 Gm range evenly spread around the globe, meaning once you are above 2.5 Mm ASL you will always have line of sight to at least one of them, thus all omnidirectional antennas with a range less than 51 Mm will reach 100 times their listed value (but note that the ground station isn't necessarily right below you, so a 100 km antenna is only safe up to 9,724 km). The best starting antenna (Communotron 16) has a range of 4 Mm and will thus reach 400 Mm (enough to reach the Moon), while the first available dish antenna (Comms DTS-M1) has a range of 400 Mm and will thus reach 14.5 Gm (enough to cover Earth's SOI).
  11. NathanKell: Turns out Crowd Sourced Science was the culprit, simply removing it using CKAN fixed the issue...
  12. I just started a career mode game with KSP 1.04 / RSS 10.2 / RO 10.3 / RP-0 0.36 / etc [1], but can't get the Thermometer or Barometer to work properly. I built my first rocket [2] as per the RP-0 Getting Started Tutorial [3], but after launching it I can't "Log Temperature / "Log Pressure Data". I can "Analyse Telemetry" on the probe to get science, and I can "Toggle Display" on both the Thermometer and Barometer, but I get no option to log data, and nothing happens if I try to activate them using an action group, so my science gathering potential is a bit too low to get anywhere. Did I do something wrong or did I stumble upon a bug right away? [1] http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=s3tSuq8V [2] http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=UMtyWxy4 [3] https://github.com/KSP-RO/RP-0/wiki/Getting-Started-Tutorial
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