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  1. http://imgur.com/a/y9NFm I got to the Mun twice. I wanted to land on Kerbin again. But now i've got some interesting rescue missions. My SSTO by itself can deploy a lander in Munar orbit and redock. So I strapped some boosters to it to see if it could do it twice.
  2. As said before, the laws of physics will not allow this. HOWEVER, if getting out and pushing with EVA propellant is allowed, it might be possible.
  3. https://imgur.com/a/eVD8M Mass: 133.055 tons Lifter Parts: 12 Score: 11.08 I see many Mammoth engines in your future. I forgot to give it a name....i'll go with Liquid Plutonium Cooled Lifter
  4. http://imgur.com/a/5C5So I had just learned that fairings make the best nose cones and had to try it out. I didn't know about the challenge, but I think this qualifies? mach 5.06 according to the Kerbal Engineer and the last screen before I blew up. highest speed over land 1483 m/s oh and hai first post
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