Thanks for the info guys, though I really wasn't asking for time frames :3 As for the cargo holds, I just can't seem to position anything inside it. Moving the mouse close enough to align the payload with the cargo hold places the mouse over the cargo hold shell, thus trying to radially attach it. I did manage it after adding a long arm of struts to the payload to pick it up with and using that to position it from a distance but, of course, I need something detachable. I'm probably just not going about it in the right way. I actually watched both of those videos before I posted earlier but Kabbatos just shows off the parts and a few shots of a ship and the others poor quality hurts my already strained vision. Anyway, thanks again for the mod, I'm sure I'll figure some more of it out eventually, though I'll leave a suggestion of a little showcase vid or two showing off how the various parts work and how to make good use of them.