Hello everyone, SovietBear here. I've been playing KSP off and on for the last two years, but I think it's high time I join a support group to help me through this. I've mostly played in sandbox mode, but once had the ambition to play career, making it to mun & minimas before reverting to my natural tendencies of thinking of new ways to harm poor Jebediah. I'm probably like most KSP players, I have a high interest in both physics and video games. Physics is my true passion, I even recently got a B.S. in Physics, and software/video games is my day job as I've been a software engineer (mostly Java) for the last 4 years. With the advent of KSP coming out of beta and with my quota of free time recently increasing dramatically since I finished school, I've decided to continue my complicated and sometimes violent relationship with Jebediah. I look forward to sharing those experiences with all of you and learning from you all. Thanks. To the mun! SovietBear