hello i have installed the mods OPT and firespitter(firespitter has been updated lastly on december 2014), i have had the mods for about 2 days and today the second day it glitched BAD! 1) When i make a new plane and i takeoff my plane starts vibrating, it goes to about 700-800m/s and then my plane fly's into the ground(all this time i have NO controll what soever) and it just shows space and nuthing else and the speed it says is about 118569231456.2m/s while my plane is fully destroyed. 2) when i use planes that i have already saved and can takeoff with then there is a problem because if i turn on SAS my plane starts vibrating again(i have no controll while vibrating), then it starts going very fast because it speeds up and doesn't stop speeding up untill i turn of SAS my plane goes back to normal and the glitch only goes under 10000m high. So my plroblems are: i can't takeoff with newly made planes and i can't use SAS with old saved planes. HELP ME PLEASE!?