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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. Granted. But wait, how is that corruptible? That sounds delightful. Did you just break the game ColdJ? I wish for this game to continue.
  2. Granted. You are able to provide happiness to everyone. But the price you pay for making everyone else happy...is a descent into utter and irrevocable despair. But fret not fellow melancholiac, for misery enjoys company. I wish to afford the therapy bill.
  3. I have come back from the dead to grant you your wish. For one fleeting moment, all consumers, everywhere, pause to consider what it is they are buying. For one glorious moment the masses truly weigh whether the merchandise or good they intend to purchase at that moment offers any real value or utility. We are talking societal-changing, economic dynamic-shattering level of thought. But alas, such wonderful thinking lasted only a moment. The spark of enlightenment flickers out and the masses return to mindless consumers once again. And on reflection, that makes me sad. I wish I was not sad.
  4. Penultimate thought before impact: BAM! That's a lot of bacon! Ultimate thought before impact: Granted. But like hot sauce, mildness is subjective. Thus, the temperature you are experiencing now is mild to the old man in your midst who thinks a 90°F room is down right frigid. I can only imagine to what unbearable temperatures this man considers "mild". That is for however long I've left to imagine before meeting my porcine-based doom. I wish for a pleasant...KA-BOOOM! (Pig impact).
  5. Granted. It is no longer dead....after a fashion. You see, KSP2 exists now in a super-positional state. It is both dead and alive. However, to view any media source with information about the game now would cause that state to collapse, resulting in it becoming dead once again. Thus, you can never see anything more about the game nor ever play KSP2. But as long as the super-positional state is maintained, it can never truly die. I wish to push a button and receive bacon.
  6. Granted. All pendulum clocks, everywhere on the earth have their pendulum arms lengthened in such a way to subtly alter their respective oscillation so that a detectable error of 5.78 second occurs. But all things considered, we are already 1/4 the way through the 21st Century! Who still uses pendulum clocks for precision time keeping? I wish that all clocks using crystal oscillators to be off by 5.78 seconds.
  7. Granted. Earth becomes the alien dumping ground of Gigatons of pressed gold bars which have had the valuable latinum contained in them extracted. On the one hand, the piles of gold are rivaling the height of a Saturn V, and growing every taller. But on the other hand, it does bring this wish granter warm and fuzzy feelings to know that gold hoarders investments are in the dumps; both literally and figuratively. I wish for a latinum plated toothbrush.
  8. Granted. The fusion itself goes off without a hitch and what was once two worlds in the outer solar system is now one; Nepturanus! Unfortunately, your wish has drawn the ire of planetary enthusiasts. They are still salty many years after Pluto's reclassification. An now with Uranus and Neptune being made into one, they are forced to come up with yet another mnemonic to remember the planets names. You soon find yourself with an irate mob outside your door seeking to punish you for the chaos the creation of Nepturanus has brought into their lives. I wish for an explanation as to how this thread has endured for as long as it has?
  9. Granted. The King of the Cosmos grabs the Death Star and proceeds to rub the giant orb on the top of his head, building up a gargantuan charge on upon the battle station. The King of the Cosmos then position the Death Star over your location on the planet; slowly moving it closer, and closer, and closer still until BAM! A static spark the likes the world has never seen splits the sky in twain and lands upon you, vaporizing you and a sizeable portion of the surrounding terrain in your vicinity. I wish that we could harness that energy to propel humanity into becoming a full fledged Kardashev Type I Civilization.
  10. I recall reading years ago "Red Star in Orbit: Inside Story of the Soviet Space" by Jim Oberg. While I can't recall the contents in great detail (it's been nearly 10 years since I first read it) it may be useful to learn about the Soviet space program during the 1960's and 1970's. In particular the early Soyuz and Salyut programs.
  11. There are drones that do use propane as fuel, The Lockheed Martin Striker for example. This particular example does not produce power via combustion though. Rather the propane is some how used to generate electricity via a fuel cell to drive the aircraft's electric motors.
  12. Granted. You receive liver pie flavored pie. Bon Appetit. I wish to learn the secret of the eternal donut.
  13. The decision is to resort to single gyro operating mode for pointing the telescope. This will pose have some limitation on the type of science Hubble can do, but should still allows for the kind of science the spacecraft has been doing for nearly three decades. The article also mentions that the NASA has ~10 years to decide on sending a propulsion unit to the telescope for orbit modification or for controlled re-entry.
  14. Granted. A random string of code that represents vocal sounds corrupts the means of manufacturing and their various control systems. What transpires is a scenario straight out of Zero Horizon Dawn where everything on the earth surface is consumed all to continuously manufacture the symbols of this alphabet. You are welcome. I wish the avoid becoming converted into a vowel.
  15. As of the end of last month, the Hubble was considered to be in good health. Three gryos are functional, though one of the three produced erroneous readings that caused the spacecraft to enter safe mode at least twice, once in April and again last November. According to source, the Hubble could be made to operate running on one of the healthier gyros for pointing operation with the second healthy gyro to serve as back up.
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