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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. Granted. The King of the Cosmos grabs the Death Star and proceeds to rub the giant orb on the top of his head, building up a gargantuan charge on upon the battle station. The King of the Cosmos then position the Death Star over your location on the planet; slowly moving it closer, and closer, and closer still until BAM! A static spark the likes the world has never seen splits the sky in twain and lands upon you, vaporizing you and a sizeable portion of the surrounding terrain in your vicinity. I wish that we could harness that energy to propel humanity into becoming a full fledged Kardashev Type I Civilization.
  2. I recall reading years ago "Red Star in Orbit: Inside Story of the Soviet Space" by Jim Oberg. While I can't recall the contents in great detail (it's been nearly 10 years since I first read it) it may be useful to learn about the Soviet space program during the 1960's and 1970's. In particular the early Soyuz and Salyut programs.
  3. There are drones that do use propane as fuel, The Lockheed Martin Striker for example. This particular example does not produce power via combustion though. Rather the propane is some how used to generate electricity via a fuel cell to drive the aircraft's electric motors.
  4. Granted. You receive liver pie flavored pie. Bon Appetit. I wish to learn the secret of the eternal donut.
  5. The decision is to resort to single gyro operating mode for pointing the telescope. This will pose have some limitation on the type of science Hubble can do, but should still allows for the kind of science the spacecraft has been doing for nearly three decades. The article also mentions that the NASA has ~10 years to decide on sending a propulsion unit to the telescope for orbit modification or for controlled re-entry.
  6. Granted. A random string of code that represents vocal sounds corrupts the means of manufacturing and their various control systems. What transpires is a scenario straight out of Zero Horizon Dawn where everything on the earth surface is consumed all to continuously manufacture the symbols of this alphabet. You are welcome. I wish the avoid becoming converted into a vowel.
  7. As of the end of last month, the Hubble was considered to be in good health. Three gryos are functional, though one of the three produced erroneous readings that caused the spacecraft to enter safe mode at least twice, once in April and again last November. According to source, the Hubble could be made to operate running on one of the healthier gyros for pointing operation with the second healthy gyro to serve as back up.
  8. It's more than just crewing the mission with NASA astronauts. The question is this; do the capabilities exist in the private space sector that can allow for a crewed servicing mission to the Hubble that mitigates as much of the risk to not only the crew tasked with the mission but also the orbiting piece of public property that is the Hubble Space Telescope? I would posit that it still does not have that capability at the present time. Even Polaris Dawn; as ambitious as it is, it still not enough of a demonstration to justify confidence that an Issacman/SpaceX venture to Hubble can be safely executed in the near term. The issue here has nothing to do with red tape or regulations. Issacman is basically soliciting NASA with regards to a service which it has not officially asked for. It may be receptive to hearing ideas on the matter; as evident by it's dealing with Issacman and by responses to the agencies requests for information to other commercial space companies on a robotic Hubble orbital-boost mission. But that interest is not the same as a publicly stated (and congressionally funded) objective the agency intends to execute. Furthermore, Issacman is asking the Agency to stake its reputation on a mission that will be badly damaged if it were to allow such a mission to proceed it its name that results in the deaths of crew, the premature destruction of a public asset, or both. That alone would justify reticence on the part of NASA officials to proceed with a such a mission proposal.
  9. Point of fact, jet engines do not need oxygen to operate. In fact, they don't even require combustion at all. Case in point, squids and octopus use jets. The means to accelerate reactant mass does not involve combustion. With regards to turbojets, and by extension the cores of turbofans, as long as there is a source of heat and the engine operates as close to an ideal Brayton-cycle as possible, it should work in almost any gaseous medium. As you correctly identified, input heat to the core can be supplied from a nuclear reactor. As the diagram below shows, heat from the reactor is added to the fluid flow downstream of the compressor via a heat exchange. Of course, why would you wish to use a turbojet, or turbofan, for powered flight within the atmospheres of other planets anyway?
  10. Quick reading of the wiki page on human tolerances to g-forces, having a pilot standing will not enhance resistance to g-forces. In fact, it would do the opposite in that the body would be aligned with the aircraft's vertical axis, along which most of the g-forces a pilot sustains occurs along. If the aim is to improve the magnitude and duration of g-forces a pilot endures, ideally you would want the pilot to be laying down, perpendicular to the axis of the g-forces. Of course, that is not a practical orientation. As a trade off, many fighter planes use seats that recline to reduce the effects of g-forces on the pilot. An Aircraft Stack Exchange post puts the angle around 13-15 degrees. The post indicated the F-16 seat has an unusually large reclining angle of 20 degrees.
  11. I became a were-walrus?! Cool. As for ColdJ, granted. However, your increase in creativity is limited to the niche of drawing lousy memes. I wish for were-walrus to become the next big meme.
  12. Granted. Before you is a bowl of delicious baked beans for dinner. As you proceed to dig into your meal, you are approached by two middle aged ladies holding clip boards. "Would you like to take a survey?!", they ask in unison. From here on out, you are endlessly peppered with questions related to beans and George Wendt. I wish for for an undisturbed viewing of the eclipse on the 8th.
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