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Posts posted by Fogged

  1. Hello, does anyone have an idea why my KSC has submerged under water? When game loads, it's either OK or flying above ground, but after time warp the Great Flood starts and almost everything goes below sea level. I have KSP 1.4.5, latest available EVE, AVP, Scatterer, Kopernicus, Module manager, texture replacer and 2k res textures. Plus some other non-environmental mods




    False alarm, it appears the texture replacer wasn't in fact installed :D I was fooled by presence of the TextureReplacer directory, that was inside the AVP package. Solved by installing the missing mod. Funny side effect it was

  2. On 12.07.2017 at 1:44 AM, Jas0n said:

    You don't need Firespitter for Firespitter Core and in fact Firespitter isn't supported by RO/RSS

    Also it is possible that you simply ran out of memory due to the amount of mods installed.

    Thanks for info regarding Firespitter. Regarding memory - I dont' think that's the case as I have 16GB RAM and there is 60-35% free memory remaining at the time game crashes. However swap file usage look worrying...

    Unity Player [version: Unity 5.4.0p4_b15b5ae035b7]
    mono.dll caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005)
      in module mono.dll at 0033:dc770e6a.
    Error occurred at 2017-07-11_234434.
    C:\Games\KSP RSS\KSP_x64.exe, run by jr.
    66% memory in use.
    16322 MB physical memory [5492 MB free].
    17320 MB paging file [5259 MB free].
    8388608 MB user address space [8384869 MB free].
    Read from location 00000010 caused an access violation.

    Just realized I've included link to KSP.log rather than folder with all logs, here is the fixed link



    UPD: Ok, I was able to narrow the list to several engine packs, most likely one of them was crashing the game. 

  3. Hi all,

    does anyone have an idea what causes KSP to crash in my case? I've installed couple mods (inc. RSS/RO) and was able to play, though the game was quite glitchy, for instance: unexpected spinning if an engine was burning when I switch to map mode, or no way to enable SAS until reload from save, etc. So I've exported my mods via CKAN, cleaned up mods data and re-imported it. Now the game crashes at a point when module manager loads about 30k patches (probably that's a lot?)

    Last lines in KSP logs indicate couple errors while compiling Firespitter parts:

    [ERR 22:53:31.024] PartCompiler: Cannot clone model 'Firespitter/Parts/Engine/FS_PropellerEngine/model' as model does not exist

    I had Firespitter Core installed as dependency and just in case installed the Firespitter which didn't change anything.

    KSP x64

    Logs, crash dump and list of installed mods (all installed via CKAN): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B_BUWaJ85OzoU3o4UlNhT0E0WTQ?usp=sharing

    I'm currently experimenting by turning off non-mandatory mods (i.e. not required by RSS/RO)

    Thank you!

  4. 23 minutes ago, RoverDude said:

    For the folks having odd issues above - can you please get me a save?  Just make sure any ships I am looking at only have USI or stock parts.  Then log a GitHib issue and attach the save file, and I can take a peek

    Sure, I just stripped non-USI/Stock parts from that ship, launched it again and warped 26 days. 281 supplies used for 1 kerbal. Supplies consuming should be 2.3/day, but if you switch to another ship, recycling doesn't count. 281/26=10.8 sup/day (exactly the value which is displayed in life support window if all recycles are off).

    I'll upload save to github now.

  5. Hey guys, I'm trying this awesome mod but it feels like consuming supplies in an unloaded vessel is somewhat strange. I have a ship in orbit with just one kerbal, 500 supplies and operational RT-5000 recycling module. The life support windows suggests that kerbal consumes 2.3/day (due to recyling, if I stop the module it is 10.8/day).

    Here is the problem: I just switched to the vessel and it has only 226 supplies left after 26 days in space (274 mulch produced). 274 supplies consumed over 26 days: 274/26 =~10.5. Sounds like active recycling didn't matter when the ship was unloaded, though I have enough solar power and enough batteries to keep recycles running during blackout.

    KSP 1.2.1 x64
    USI Life Support

    Trying to reproducing it now.

    PS: @tsaven I have the same issue with missing recycling efficiency description for modules in VAB 

  6. Now that's interesting. It appears that having multiple antennas increases signal strength. I have 2 vessels on almost stationary orbit, the current distance between them is about 5700km. They have few 5M relays each. According to formula, 2x5M antennas on hard difficulty should have max range of:

    SQRT(5000000*5000000)*0.65 = 3250000m = 3,250km

    But when I have 2 antennas extended on each vessels, there is weak link between them (thin red line). If I extend all antennas (4 on first probe and 2 on second) the link becomes green like it has > 50% signal strength. How to calculate range for multiple antennas in a single vessel?


  7. 1 minute ago, TheEpicSquared said:

    Yeah I've messed around with that, but it's really confusing. I'll have to mess around with it more. Or do you have any ideas? In particular, to slide the sliders left or right to achieve the goal. I'm not really sure.

    Try setting VAC/ASL occlusion to 1 (should be far-right position of sliders)

  8. 3 minutes ago, TheEpicSquared said:

    Something I don't like is that the signals from ground stations go through the ground. Is there any way I can change that so they can't go through the ground at all?

    I think it is controlled by Occlusion option in Advanced settings, when you create a profile.

  9. 6 hours ago, JAFO said:

    You can find 8 pages of documentation on the CommNet here:


    Thank you, but I already read this document and learned how to calculate antenna range with "normal" settings. However, it doesn't explain settings, except Occlusion (a bit). I did some testing and figured that Range Modifier affects all antennas, relays and DSN.

    The formula (from document + modifier) seems pretty much accurate, at least if DSN range option remains default: SQRT(antenna_1_power * antenna_2_power) * range_modifier

    I'm going to try playing with DSN modifier option today, my guess that it is similar to Range Modifier but only affects ground DSN.

  10. Hi, could you please help me to figure out CommNet options in KSP? I'm making a simple calculator because being lazy calculating values every time. Here are settings and how I understand them:

    1. Range Modifier: a multiplier for calculated signal range, i.e. 0.5 means range will be halved.
    2. DSN Modifier (0-100). I'm kinda puzzled here, what does it do? does it affect signal strength of ground DSN?
    3. Occlusion: defines how signal bypasses objects, does not affect range.

    Please help :)

  11. Greetings.

    Here comes more whining about Windows x64 support. I did not play KSP yet, but going to install it pretty soon and I really want to start it in real solar system so I'm reviewing mods before installation :) Realism Overhaul and RealChute mods are listed as dependencies.

    It's probably really stupid question, but... AFAIK Steam installs 32bit version of the game, which means I will be fine with installing this mod on it while having Windows 7x64 OS?

    Thank you in advance.

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