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  1. I only have one adapter, my physical one. It's a technology stack in the router. My old router worked fine, or if I just disconnect my PC from the router and plug straight into the modem, it works fine. The only thing that changed in my setup is the router.
  2. I have the same issue with slow load times but it's not any unused adapters, it's my router. I recently had my router die on me and borrowed one while I had a new one shipped to me. I started experiencing the slow loads as soon as the Linksys was connected. I could disconnect the cable from my PC to the Linksys during the launch of KSP for normal load speeds then connect it back once in game. I have my new D-Link and it's still an issue. Same trick works. What I would like to know is.. What technology, Excatly, is causing this issue? Himanchi and Tunggle are both Virtual Adapters that do trick networking 'schtuff'. I have tested both routers with and without IPSec and other various ALG technologies enabled/disabled without any luck. If anything, I would have figured it was one of the ALG's. ALG = Application Layer Gateway
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