Campaign mode, everything was fine until the first minmus landing. That lander never really landed, it was stuck at 0.3 m/s on an incline but I just rolled with it (coincidence dunno). Now when put a vehicle on the launchpad my velocity cycles super fast between 0.3 m/s and 1.0 m/s just sitting there. Sometimes after a couple seconds all of my parts fly off at once and sometimes explode. I've also had quickloads have the same parts flying off issue while in orbit. Also, all of my orbital paths and movement nodes shake a little bit super fast. Not being insensitive to people with the disease, but it's like my game has Parkinsons. Again, the whole thing was fine from new install last week until yesterday, then this started. I am on and cleared my mods. I deleted everything last night and reinstalled and still have the issue.