My Mun base lander has a mini lander/hopper that is powered by RCS thrust. Vernor engines, actually. I want to hop around and gather science in different biomes without wasting too much fuel. There are 4 biomes within a small distance of the initial landing site. My intuition is that the most efficient way to get from point a to point b in the absence of atmosphere is a single launch burn, creating a suborbital trajectory, then a suicide burn. And... I guess you also need to figure out the optimal launch angle. I wouldn't be able to figure out any of that without knowing the distance between point and a and b... kerbalmaps gets me a rough estimate that I'm going about 15km each way. I'm sure I'm overthinking this. What I'm doing right now is pointing in the general direction I want to go, thrusting at 45 degrees until I have a little elevation and vertical speed, switch to map view, zoom in on my tiny orbit, and thrust toward the horizon until it looks like I'm headed to my landing zone, and get my horizontal velocity around 60m/s. From that point out, I point skyward and keep my vertical speed close to zero until it's time to land. But it's pretty clear that the lower my horizontal speed is, the more dV I'm going to waste fighting gravity, but the faster it is, the more dV I spend starting and stopping. Even if this is somewhat inefficient, I have fuel to burn, literally. In theory, according to my last calculation, my vernor-hopper has about 2k dV. But after flying 15 kilometers, landing, flying back, landing again, way more than half of my dV is gone. So... my calculation is wrong or I'm wasting a ton of fuel. It still takes me quite a bit of fuel to properly dock the hopper on top of the base for refueling. Any tips? Side note: I would love the ability to plan a maneuver node on the ground. Like... ballistic maneuver node, lol.