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Posts posted by KerrikWolf

  1. Compared to everyone else, I haven't done much, but I have owned this game for a just couple of days and haven't really had time to play much. Today, in career, without upgrading my tracking station, I put a Kerbal into a stable orbit by eye, deorbited him safely and feel pretty darned good about. It took a handful of aborted attempts, but it's all good. As many people have said here, it's all in reading the navball and watching your fuel.

    I will be glad when I can upgrade my tracking station and get maneuver nodes, though.

  2. You calculate orbital dynamics? Cool! I couldn't do that if they were as simple as 2+2=Orbit.

    Welcome aboard!

    Single body isn't that difficult. It's plug into the equations and go. It's more difficult to do transit times under acceleration or acceleration followed by free fall. I do it for some projects I'm working on which involve that and some kinetic energy work. It's all hobby stuff for the most part, but I find it fun. Yes, I'm odd.

    And thanks for the greetings.

    Remember, happiness is never hearing your foe say "I control the high orbitals".

  3. I play a lot of video games and I was chatting with someone last Friday and I was lamenting that I couldn't find a decent space game (No, I was not whining.) We were discussing the fact that I calculate orbital dynamics and transit times under power for some of my other stuff (and sometimes just for fun) and he mentioned Kerbal Space Program. I checked it out on Youtube, found Scott Manley and the Orb8ter and today I purchased the game.

    No, I never expect to be like Mr. Manley. However, now I too will have Kerbals trembling in fear, well except for Jebediah who doesn't understand fear and thinks everyone else is trembling with anticipation just like he is. I'll fix him too. And if not, he'll still have a heck of a ride before he becomes plasma. Repeatedly.

    So here I am and I hope to be here for quite some time.

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