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    Rocketry Enthusiast
  1. As gargamel said, use the re-root tool to select the parts by which you want to connect before saving the craft.
  2. Yes it's possible. If you're not in orbit around a moon, you're in orbit around a planet. If you're not in orbit around a planet, you're in orbit around the sun. Sooo ... you're in orbit around the sun. It's a big orbit, but it's an orbit.
  3. What techniques you use depend on the tools and money that you have available. Specific questions might get more useful answers. Especially if you show how it relates to KSP tutorials. "Green screen" is simply a technique for putting a background behind other scenery/actors. Much more fun to do it for real, I'd think - if you've got the money.
  4. Your first comments make the last one unnecessary, we've all been there and if you're starting to learn all the other stuff that's new to you then you know why KSP is so cool :-)
  5. 315 degrees, as in Northwest? Guess what - you'll soon be going Southwest, just like a miniature orbit. Equatorial headings - 90 or 270 degrees - are constant, polar ones - 0 or 180 - flip as you pass the poles (North, 0 degrees to the pole, then South 180 and back again at the South pole). Anything in between will oscillate +/- around 90/270, so; 315 - 270 = 45, 270 - 45 = 225. Your compass heading will vary +/- 45 degrees, across the range 225 to 315.
  6. Section 3 of this post by Pecan is a really good explanation of how to design a vehicle for Kerbin lunar missions. Those are for landings, but the principles will help your missions too.
  7. Yes, this was just a 'Watch out, danger ahead' warning. You do want to come back eventually, don't you? :-) Enjoy yourself with part1 for now though.
  8. WARNING: off thread topic, but about to bite you BoilingOil - The tutorials have not been updated (from 1.0 to 1.0.4) and when returning to Kerbin your parachute will fail to land you safely. There are a couple of threads on this (which I can't find at the moment). The solution is to i) check what the correct deployment settings are in the VAB/SPH by putting a parachute on something and right-clicking it, ii) when you do the tutorial similarly right-click the parachute in flight and correct the settings.
  9. As explained in my previous post, KSP is perfectly happy with multiple fuel paths and will always drain source tanks evenly. What it doesn't like - and never has - is loops.
  10. It's quite possible to draw fuel bottom-to-top in a single stack, with engine at the bottom but there are two 'issues'. The first is; how to run fuel lines from the top tank to the bottom one, since they'll just clip into the first surface they meet. For that, attach a couple of cubic octagonal struts in place of the fuel tanks marked 'E' in Snark's handy picture. Run the fuel lines from the top tank to the top of struts, more or less as illustrated. Then run another pair of fuel lines from the bottom of the struts directly to the engine itself. The engine 'sees' the fuel lines and takes fuel from the top tank 'D' (via the struts), which pulls fuel from 'C', which drains 'B', which refills from 'A' - so the tanks empty from bottom to top. The second issue is when you can't access the engine for some reason (blocking structural parts or something). In that case you can attach the struts to a higher tank (eg; 'B') and run the fuel lines 'D' -> struts -> 'A'. This gives a slightly odd fuel-consumption pattern since 'A' is kept full. Nevertheless, the other tanks empty in the order 'B', 'C', 'D' which is probably sufficient for most purposes.
  11. The easiest way to check a vehicle's resources, including electrical charge, is to click the fuel-can icon at the top-right of the screen.
  12. Send as little as possible to achieve your mission objectives.
  13. There is no improvement in height using a gravity turn. Which is the point :- height is easy, height is not the issue, horizontal velocity to get into orbit and stay in space is the issue. A gravity turn is the most efficient way to build horizontal thrust.
  14. Fail to read the readme, forums or anything else. Launch pancake rocket straight up to 10km then turn right. Start yet another thread about how hard it is to get to orbit now.
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