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  1. Hi, first of all i want to thank the mod develper. Lots of fun and since my grafics card went BBQ and DCS is of the menue, KSP now fills that gap too :-) Of course do i have a lot of suggestions myself. You will notice that i am an IVA junkie :-) The targeting pod struck me with awe. I have been waiting for something like that since the demise of Lazor mod. The one coolest thing to add would be integration with RPM. Immersion and stuff like that. That also would make some other features possible like tagging Pylons (center, left wing 1, right wingtip and so on) and have their attached parts shown on a RPM page. Maybe in collaboration with some IVA modders the RWR could become (besides a dedicated RPM page) a prop to place somewhere in the cockpit. Of course a HUD that is not just a simple transparent prop but projected to infinity (or at least dozens of meters in front of the craft) would also be cool. since this is not quite the core of BDA, an integration with the targeting system would still be awesome. (Gun funnel, CCRP, ILS, etc) Also abusing the mavericks as tageting pod with limited gimbal, like the A-10A uses, available only as log as there is at least one maverick attached, would be great. As for kOS integration, i hope there will be a cromprehensive interface. Fore the moment however i would use it only for making countermeassure programs like the ones used in real planes. For the autopilot a fly to gps coordinates and orbit function would be nice too. I know its a lot of requests and one might think i should go and play combat flight sims. But i really enjoy designing planes, SAMs and AAA and put them to the test. Thanks again for this great mod.
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