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  1. Aha. That was it. That's a cool type of contract. I used to just put my satellites on collision courses with whatever they're orbiting. It's good to know I can do more with them. I guess I need to start giving my ships more descriptive names.
  2. Can anyone explain to me why this contract isn't complete? The only parameter not checked off is, "Be in command of Small Probe." But I can control it, so I'm not sure what I'm missing. Edit: Sorry, I tried to paste a screenshot, but it won't work for some reason. The only parameters listed for the contract are: Be in command of Small Probe, Ensure that the probe has an antenna and can generate power, Reach the designated orbit around Minmus with minimal deviation, and Maintain stability for 10 seconds. All items but the first are checked off. I've done contracts like this a dozen times already, I don't why this one isn't working.
  3. I'm new to the KSP forums and am looking for help with understanding aircraft design. This guide seems good but is way too fuzzy for me to make out what it's saying. Am I missing something? Is there something I can do to make the image clearer?
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