I am trying to bring a large (2000t) asteroid into orbit around Kerbin, using a nuclear engine and using mining equipment to convert the asteroid into fuel. This has involved long slow burns, involving a very low acceleration of around 0.0175m/s^2. To bring it into orbit I would need a deltaV of around 400m/s. The method works fine for the first 100m/s of deltaV, decreasing the velocity of the asteroid by 0.1 m/s every 5-6 seconds as expected from that acceleration. However, after the asteroid reaches an orbital velocity of 750.0m/s thrusting the engine no longer has any affect on the orbital velocity, and it is not decreasing by the 0.1m/s every 5-6 seconds. I'm not sure if this is a bug or what, but it has happened consistently, even after re loading from a previous save file multiple times. When re-loading the save file, sometimes the asteroid loads rotating, and I'm not sure why this happens either, but this is less concerning to me. I'm running version 1.04.861 on a mac, OS 10.7.5. I'll attach the save file for right before this happens, so the asteroid can still decelerate for a few tenths of a m/s before thrusting stops having any effect. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/xo4pjj6v84t3fcq/AACLC1hvZGBapoXru9SXWXifa?dl=0 Thanks! Update: even if I wait till periapsis, and my orbital velocity increases to 752.0m/s and then burn, the speed changes just fine until 750.0m/s,where it stops changing again (other than changes due to the orbit itself)--It's like there's a speed limit under which thrusting does nothing.