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Everything posted by deltak

  1. Thanks for the help Padishar--It's back! I'm still having the issue after using the ModuleGrappleNodeFix. This time I'm trying to adjust my orbital inclination, once I'm in orbit around kerbin at an altitude of 115km (using a much bigger engine this time). It's not at 750 m/s this time either... I've included a new quicksave file right before this happens--once I try to carry out the maneuver. Also thanks for the quicksave tip. I found the rotation less of an issue if I retracted the mining drill before saving. It turns out that rotation isn't even encoded in the save file, only orientation. At least as far as I could tell by mucking around with the save file.
  2. Thanks for checking sal_vager, I changed the file so it should work now. Not sure why that happened. I'm still curious about the bug, but since then I've worked around it by letting the asteroid pass through the system and orbit Kerbol, and re-rendezvousing with Kerbin and bringing it into orbit using many aerobrakes... but who knows when that will strike again. Again, many thanks for looking into it.
  3. Does your station have a Service bay? I had that problem once and it went away if I opened the service bay and left it open...
  4. I am trying to bring a large (2000t) asteroid into orbit around Kerbin, using a nuclear engine and using mining equipment to convert the asteroid into fuel. This has involved long slow burns, involving a very low acceleration of around 0.0175m/s^2. To bring it into orbit I would need a deltaV of around 400m/s. The method works fine for the first 100m/s of deltaV, decreasing the velocity of the asteroid by 0.1 m/s every 5-6 seconds as expected from that acceleration. However, after the asteroid reaches an orbital velocity of 750.0m/s thrusting the engine no longer has any affect on the orbital velocity, and it is not decreasing by the 0.1m/s every 5-6 seconds. I'm not sure if this is a bug or what, but it has happened consistently, even after re loading from a previous save file multiple times. When re-loading the save file, sometimes the asteroid loads rotating, and I'm not sure why this happens either, but this is less concerning to me. I'm running version 1.04.861 on a mac, OS 10.7.5. I'll attach the save file for right before this happens, so the asteroid can still decelerate for a few tenths of a m/s before thrusting stops having any effect. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/xo4pjj6v84t3fcq/AACLC1hvZGBapoXru9SXWXifa?dl=0 Thanks! Update: even if I wait till periapsis, and my orbital velocity increases to 752.0m/s and then burn, the speed changes just fine until 750.0m/s,where it stops changing again (other than changes due to the orbit itself)--It's like there's a speed limit under which thrusting does nothing.
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