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Posts posted by RocketJockey

  1. 10 hours ago, Thomas P. said:

    TL;DR: I will update it when I want to update it, and when I have the time to do so. In the meantime, stop complaining, or I will ask the moderators to close the thread, which would be quite unfair for those who actually need help.

    P.S. If there would be codevelopers for Kopernicus, I would have no problem if they would update and release versions when I am away. Sadly, I am almost the only person working on it

    Take your time. Not your fault a new sub-version of the game released so quickly.  Lots of us appreciate the creative energies you're putting into the game. Thank you.

  2. Loaded 1.1.3 OSX, no joy here. I get to the start game screen, I attempt to start the sandbox and we're stuck at loading.

    Latest OS X, clean install of KSP 1.1.3

    I even tried re-downloading and using the zip and the installer. Same behavior with each.

    anyone else experiencing the same problem?

  3. A few people have reported this problem. I just posted an alternate mirror link on the front page. You can also access this here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/66999462/AircraftDesign.jpg

    Keptin, that jog is pretty heavily compressed. Any chance of a revision?

    just reviewed the download, apparently my iPad browser has "made in Kerbal" stamped on the back. Looks fine after I downloaded the jpg.

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