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Arknid sine

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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. hay have you guys ever heard of the fuel paradox for rockets if you haven here's a link to a very funny video bought it:
  2. cheers gaarst worked like a treat seems to have solved the problem and helped me very much http://steamcommunity.com/id/caravaggio69arty/screenshots/
  3. hay this has probably been asked tons of times but i think i got this 100% right but keeps saying this is wrong. i am using mod's. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=726245613 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=726245634 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=726245600
  4. i was just wondering how to deleate this account? as i used the wrong username and you cant change that.
  5. i have some good news by using ckan ive been able to sucsessfully install and run all the bd mods thankyou soo much for youre suppot A.S
  6. ok ill try to give you that . they only problem is as soon as i remove bd amoury the problem is fixed . plus am using steam if that makes a difference - - - Updated - - - gmail is : arknidsine@gmail.com you can find the file on there - - - Updated - - - https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5t8nIocEqtbdXJvZFNUT2V1WW8
  7. Thanks for the reply will try that . The only other mod I have been trying it with is the missiles mod by the same creator (forgot it's name Soz) and here's a link to my imugr photos :http://imgur.com/zByo10l
  8. hiya i have been trying to install and use youre mod for a while now but it keeps causing a bug in my game which renders me unable to use my game and the mod unless the mod is removed . this is wahat happens . imigur: arknidsine
  9. i am going to end this thread here as partially solved as ive removed the mod and all is now fine but if anyone has any knowledge of how to fix it to be able to run BD weponary then please contact me arknidsine@gmail.com
  10. diddnt factory reset game just removed the mods and seems to be fine now but whould like to re install P.E.W and BD wepons . anyone know how to safley install mods? - - - Updated - - - i am playing on steam dont know if that whould make a difference
  11. How to safely and correctly install mods?
  12. just added new photo to imgur as this also happens - - - Updated - - - my imgur is arknidsine
  13. how to recreat : go on my gmail and there is a list of files . add the mods and boom the same thing happens . also ive added my ksp save to there aswell for you to look at - - - Updated - - - https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B5t8nIocEqtbdXJvZFNUT2V1WW8&usp=sharing
  14. No that is the problem it just shows up my station with all the flight dials and gauges round they edge bit wont let me use them or show me my plane . But when I close and open the game it says the ship I launched never launched
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