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Everything posted by FletSkys

  1. I did, to be honest 4 new, but it doesn't work at all. :/ I tried to figure out what weapons made this happen, but when I launch a plane without ANY weapons/cannons/missiles, it still freezes it. Also, when i go to orbit map, the target is the sun.
  2. Hi there, I got a question / might be a bug report or something. So first things first, I can't use BD Armory. Im very sad about this because I heard from friends that this is a great mod! Only the one thing. If I install the mod, launch KSP and go into the SPH, this all works fine. The models of the weapons and stuff are there in the editor, all and everything. I can add them to my planes. But when I want to launch my planes, KSP bugs out :/ What happens is I get a screen that fades from black to blue (black at the bottom, blue at the top), although the regular KSP interface is there. From here, when I press ESC, I can't click Return to spaceplane hangar or to launch, I can press settings, but not the Space Center button and the Exit button. I find this really weird If you need some more info, my KSP version : and I'm using the last BDA version. If you need a screenshot, ill get one as soon as possible. I hope you can fix this :/ Ive faith in ya
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