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Everything posted by jolly01

  1. Hi there, just downloaded the new 1.7.9 and I got a few problems 1. The OMS/RCS on the nose does not work at all (my previous was and it worked) 1.1 So only the RCS ports on the tail fires and so roll is very unbalanced, backward translation was also not possible (the function was at the nose) 2. The space shuttle flat spins when stalled so stall recovery is impossible(even with RCS), move CG a bit forward than Center of Lift by default will solve the problem (just a bit will do) 3. Putting it on high speed reduction attitude (e.g. 20 degree AoA and 45 degrees bank) on re-entry may cause control surface to rip off 3.1 The parachute's temperature gauge flashes on re-entry so it may overheat and explode, I suggest increasing the temperature tolerance for the parachute. I noticed the docking port is now fused to the Crew Containment Module, so now the parts doesn't come with a separate APAS Port. The APAS port looks really realistic and I put on other ships as well, could you re-include it in the next release ? Also, I'd like to apply for the beta-testing as well, how do I apply ? Thanks a lot, Jolly
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