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  1. Hi, I love your mod a lot but for some reason, since the last update, the custom MM file i use with "%baseValue = #$scienceCap$" doesnt work anymore, or atleast not for all expirements. Can someone tell me why or point me in the right direction?
  2. That sounds like a great solution. Thanks very much for looking in to this, also iam really looking forward to the new features you showed in the youtube videos!
  3. Well i am using action group extended and it wil show all action groups that have something assigned in green and all others in grey, now with the lastest TCA all actions groups except 10 are always used to update tca profile, so they all look like i assigned something to them when its actually tca thats doing that. Its not a huge problem but i thought maybe there's a setting to turn this off that i have missed. You can assign the same action to several groups btw.
  4. Hi, I really love this mod and have been using it for quite some time! My only question is if i can turn off the "update tca profile" action groups? It makes me lose the overview of my action groups.
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