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Posts posted by Klime22

  1. 1 hour ago, Lisias said:

    Back to action, there's a problem with ELHelper - I think this is from Extraplanetary Launchpads.

    This makes sense! I had Extraplanetary Launchpads installed previously but I ended up deleting it. There must be some remnant still there that is screwing everything up. I will try downloading the current version of that mod and will let you know if that helps!

  2. KSP.log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1b0nwuV0p5nhnLI08aTTYbr4ennBE_1nT/view?usp=sharing

    To say my KSP is bloated with mods would be an understatement. 

    18 minutes ago, Lisias said:

    We need to find who is stepping on that land mine.  We solve that dude's problem, everybody else will be fixed by collateral effect.

    Would doing a fresh install and adding mods one by one until it breaks help? Thinking about doing this anyway.

  3. Hi! Thanks for the latest release! I just started playing again after a several month break, and I just want to hop in and say that with the latest release ( I am seeing the Houston, we have a Problem! error others have mentioned:


    I am running KSP 1.12.3. From reading above I'm unsure if this is a "true" error or if it can be ignored. I can post logs if you need them!

    Edit: After backing up then trying to load a game I can confirm weird things happen!

  4. On 9/18/2020 at 10:53 PM, R-T-B said:

    Are you using 1.10.1?

    If so, we don't support that in the official releases yet.  You can preview it (it works pretty decently) in the "Bleeding Edge" betas here:


    And don't worry, CKAN is identical to the stable builds here, you don't have to use it to get the reliable stable 1.9 builds.  Actually all the builds are pretty stable right now, bleeding edge just has some more features needed before I'm willing to tell planet devs "it's ready."

    Sorry for the late reply, but yes this was the exact problem. For some reason I thought the update you had posted was a "bleeding edge" beta update. Just more evidence that I need more sleep :confused:. Thanks for clearing it up for me!

  5. 8 hours ago, R-T-B said:

    Just pushed release 3 to CKAN with the following fixes:

    1.) The ocean specular sun shader was misaligned by 90 degrees. This has been fixed.

    2.) Some edge case loading exceptions were dealt with (basically the bugfixes discussed above with @Misguided_Kerbal).

    CKAN should automagically update soon.  Otherwise and/or if impatient, just grab it from github:


    Hi! First of all, thanks for you continued work on this great mod! I'm having a problem though.

    I'm not sure how to find your mod on CKAN  (never used it in all the years I've played unfortunately), and the version you uploaded on GitHub (1.9.1-3) doesn't seem to work; I had to revert to 1.9.1-2. When using 1.9.1-3 I get the "Incompatible mod" error, and another error in the top left corner that warns me that Kopernicus isn't compatible with this version of KSP and to not load any of my saves.

    I'll do my best to figure out CKAN so this isn't an issue for me in the future, but just thought I'd let you know about my experience. Thanks again!

  6. 2 hours ago, JonathanPerregaux said:

    I will never forget the time I deliberately formatted a floppy disk full of stuff on my Commodore 64, without a backup copy. Also, for some stupid reason, I thought the format command itself wouldn't do anything if I left off a parameter. I honestly don't know what I was thinking, but I do remember the moment. It must have been my Asperger's acting up. Temporary insanity. Anyway, that was about the dumbest thing I ever did with a computer, because of course I lost everything on the disk, and it wasn't a "quick" format kind of thing. The floppy drive just clicked away merrily and then the blood drained from my face and my stomach dropped as I realized what I'd done.

    I've kept backups of backups of backups from then on.

    Well, at least you learned your lesson early on :)

  7. Yup, that's definitely a "something threw an exception" type of scenario. I'll poke around a bit, but not likely to get far without logs on this one. :)

    EDIT: Actually, the other thought is that it's leftover "badness" from the 0.7.10 issue. What happened for that problem was that it was throwing an exception when creating a new vessel (from undocking/decoupling), and then the new vessel didn't get created properly. It would then cause tons of problems with all kinds of mods (the log that I did see had errors from Contract Configurator, MechJeb, and USI stuff, to name a few. So yeah, made a real mess. :(

    Well, I've managed to corrupt the save haha. Completed "Crew a Space Station with 7 Kerbals for 1 Year" by warping through it. Upon completion, I couldn't exit to the Space Center, and had to force-quit. It saved it at that point though, and now I can't enter the Tracking Station, or the Vehicle Assembly Building, and I can't launch a new flight. If I enter the Contract or Science buildings I get stuck and have to reload. If I enter the Astronaut complex, I'm able to exit, but then I can't click on any other buildings and the quit button in the bottom right is faded out. I'm trying to get a log, but I think I need to at least get to a vessel somewhere. I will update you if I'm able to get a log.

  8. Having a weird issue - and I apologize but I have no error logs. I Completed a Mun Flyby contract, landed on Kerbin somewhere in the ocean, and recovered the vessel. When the building selection screen loaded up, I saw what appeared to be a landed craft around the SPH. It was called "Vessel Name" and was "Landed somewhere long enough to break the line" and had "Jeb, Bill, Bob (n more)" in it. I tried to recover it but the button did nothing, and it stayed in the bottom left of my screen no matter which way I turned the camera. I tried going to the Tracking Station (to see if I could terminate this weird craft) and it looked like this:


    As you can see there's multiple flights in orbit yet a blank list on the left. The blank list would also fill itself in with the surrounding texture if I moused over it. I apologize for not having more screens, I didn't think to take any until I was in the Tracking Station and it wouldn't let me back out, I had to Tab out and close the program - very similar to the earlier issue. Good news is that the mystery craft was gone and my game worked properly after the reload. And as a side note, the vessel was in orbit before I updated to 0.7.11, and I landed it after I updated. Again, sorry for the lack of an error log or more screens, but I will try and get both if it happens again. Keep up the good work!

  9. I made a probe and sent it to Jool to complete a contract to "Send the first probe to another planet" (or something similar) with a goal of entering the SOI of any other planet with an unmanned vehicle. First weirdness happened when my only one of my radial decouplers actually went off, and the other stuck. Then the next stage also got stuck, until I exited and then returned to the flight. Doing that caused both "stuck" decouplers to detach. The game created a save file at this point. But now, if I resume the Jool Probe flight, I cannot exit to the space center and have to ALT-Tab out and close the program and restart it.

    I tried just terminating the flight, but after I clicked Terminate on the pop-up warning, it just popped up again and kept on popping up. I exited the Tracking Station and then Contract Config gave me this:

    Exception occured while loading contract parameter 'VesselParameterGroup6001' in contract 'FirstPlanetProbe':

    System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

    at ContractConfigurator.Parameters.VesselParameterGroup.<OnParameterLoad>b__0 (.Vessel v) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Vessel].GetIndex (Int32 startIndex, Int32 count, System.Predicate`1 match) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Vessel].Find (System.Predicate`1 match) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at ContractConfigurator.Parameters.VesselParameterGroup.OnParameterLoad (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at ContractConfigurator.Parameters.ContractConfiguratorParameter.OnLoad (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    I'm not sure if this is all ContractConfig, or it it's just the game itself and ContractConfig is reacting to it. Either way I thought it might be useful info. Keep up the good work!

  10. Not sure, but if you can reproduce it I can probably fix it. You\'ll need to run it in administrator mode on a 7 machine. I\'m developing it on an XP machine at the moment, so I don\'t have an easy way to test a change to that.

    Here\'s a fix for the changing module type bug: http://www./?4em0tboj0835gt9

    It also adds a text box for cutting the part list down to just items with titles containing the search text.

    Thanks for the quick reply. Running it in Admin mode in addition to XP compatibility seems to help. I\'ve found something else now though haha. When the program saves a modified part (at least the 2 I fooled around with), it saves the 'attachRules =' in a comma-space format (ex. attachRules = 1, 1, 1, 1, 0) while normal parts files are saved with no spaces (attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0). The spaces have the interesting effect of not allowing me to attach anything to my modified parts unless it\'s on top of it.

    Obviously, the simple fix is to remove the spaces and the attachments work correctly again.

    Keep up the good work with the program. 8)

  11. Great program. ;D

    Just something I\'ve noticed though - not sure if it\'s human/my laptop\'s error or the program\'s, but sometimes it takes a few tries to get it to start right. What I mean is, sometimes when it starts and I load the part list, I can choose parts on the left, but clicking on them produces nothing to the right; just grayed-out entry lines.

    I\'m running Windows 7 64-bit so that may have something to do with it. I tried running it in Windows XP (SP3) mode, and it seems to start correctly more often, but it will still have issues sometimes.

    Just letting you know in-case it is a bug. :)

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