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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Hi everyone. I have a problem with RSS+RSSVE (1.6.1). I installed all the mods required and i got earth clouds, but no city textures and lights. P.S. i read THIS thread and deleted '_HR' and '_LR' extension. ksp.log:https://www.dropbox.com/s/rjmmsahc7u193vh/KSP.log?dl=0 output_log:https://www.dropbox.com/s/7rfwugvo6y7f3g6/output_log.txt?dl=0
  2. Guys can you pls explain in details how to install this mod. I'm using 1.0.5 version on ksp. When i install scatterer and EVE and try to replace them with this mod - nothing happens. Pls help!!!!!
  3. Will be waiting for some news
  4. About 40 mods and 10 of them add parts
  5. Yep and ksp takes about 1.5Gb. By the way without that mod game loads well
  6. guys help me pls. When i lunch KSP with this mod it cannot load and stops at file GameData\Space_Shuttle\Parts\OnePiece\STSOrbiter Maybe somebody knows how to solve this?
  7. Thank you so much. But i'm not a new player in ksp. I played a lot and realized that i want to understand the mechanics of the game by learning how to calculate some aspects of missions.
  8. Hi all. First of all sorry for my English and any mistakes, because i don't know it well. I wanna ask you about ksp formulas (Math, Physics, Astronomy) . Does anyone use formulas for play in KSP? I mean use them to calculate all aspects of your mission such as time to reach orbit, transfer to another plane and etc. Can someone help me or maybe show where i can find some good information?
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