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Everything posted by F117nighthawkX

  1. I would like to expand on these ideas, as I have been wanting these for quite some time. First of all, the trust reversers for jet engines would be interesting, as you could key-bind that functionality to your "break" key. This would make landing more interesting, and possibly less dangerous, especially if you are going too fast. Concerning the propeller engines, I would really like to see multiple versions of these, i.e. electric, open cycle, and closed cycle. The electric option would obviously only be for drone class aircraft, where you could use them to scout areas, or just for a light, long range flyer. The open cycle propeller engines would be more powerful, and only use liquid fuel in atmosphere (only Kerbin and Laythe). I would also like to see a closed cycle propeller engine, where it uses liquid fuel and oxidizer. For the closed cycle props, they should be decently efficient, to allow long duration flights in atmospheres that do not have combustible gases. All of this considered, the question I have is: should these props induce a torque on the craft? If you add props, people will automatically ask for helicopter blades as well, but I think that topic is out of scope for my response.
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