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Everything posted by Pzike1

  1. Sooo, my rocket design (mk1.75) is capable of reliably getting to the mun, however the craft has been unable to return to kerbin (i either lose my RCS fuel or i collide with the mun which kinda sucks) soo i am now working on the 2.00 designation, which is going to heavilly borrow from the M1.25 design. wish me luck
  2. Indeed it is, it has some kinks that i could work out (currently working on mk1.5), however i have successfully navigated it to the moons surface two times, and successfully landed it once (if by successful you mean it didnt blow up XD) with some minor adjustments it will have the fuel to safely land and return from the mun) i\'m hoping to record the maiden voyage that returns from the mun
  3. *WARNING THIS Post will be picture heavy when i can be bother to upload it* soo what actually happened, i managed to obtain (what looked like a stable munar orbit) and promptly managed to lose it, also i totally love blue screening while posting on forums -.-.) also thanks samstarman5 im an engineering student at college atm so it proves my worth to degree , im doing an btec in the electrical side of things atm but i did the mechanical stuff the 2 years before (while i was 14-16 XD) Edit2: SUCCESS i repositioned the sas so i only need one for the whole craft, and have successfully landed on the mun, however the crew are stranded due to the engine falling off -.- (ill upload screenshots later)
  4. i guess in my next model i will move the SAS. (thanks for the tip btw didnt know about that one) and the craft is capable of powered landings (the final stage + its additional fuel tanks on Kearth) so i didnt include a parachute (as its extra wieght and also means i need to put another decupler in.)
  5. Hey (first post ) this is my newest rocket. I know it is capable of achieving escape velocity / Kerth Orbit, however i have not been able to achieve a lunar landing, I would appriciate if someone better than me could land it on the mun , (i\'m not a good pilot XD) (edit: for some reason it started falling apart on the launch pad after i uploaded it. reuploading a fix ver)
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