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Sam Kennedy

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  1. Sorry to bump an almost week old thread, I thought it would be better than starting a new thread. I wrote a piece of code to output the eccentric anomaly (calculated from mean anomaly) and true anomaly against time. I was wondering if it looked correct? Green line is true anomaly, blue line is eccentric anomaly and black line is the central body. Here is the image: via Imgflip GIF Maker
  2. Thank you, I found the answer to my question, with this formula: If anyone else happens to be interested, you can play around plotting orbits with www.fooplot.com, I entered (8000*(1-(0.6^2)))/(1 + (0.6*cos(theta))) where 8000 is the semi-major axis and 0.6 is the eccentricity, it's interesting to see what happens as the eccentricity changes.
  3. I watched Scott Manley's videos on doing orbital mechanics by hand ( ), and I found it very interesting, especially how you could calculate the velocity at a specific radius of the orbit. My question is, given the Apoapsis, Periapsis (or Semi-Major Axis and eccentricity), is it possible to calculate the radius, r, at a specific angle in the orbit?Here is a brilliant diagram I spent many hours creating using very expensive image editing software: How would I go about calculating and plotting the radius and ellipse given the other orbital elements? Thank You
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