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Everything posted by CMac

  1. So obviously I don't post very often, but I love looking at everyone's work. Anyway here is a Jool project I was working on a little while ago. Unfortunately I haven't much time to keep working on it recently, and as it is, it probably isn't super suitable for the mission yet. Hopefully I'll have time to work on it some more soon. Edit: Ha, it took me a moment but I fixed the album link.
  2. Hi everybody. So I've been playing KSP off an on since .90, and have been browsing around the forums for a bit longer. Anyway I've decided to sign up to show off my Minmus base. It's not much in comparison to a lot of the cool stuff other people have done, but I'm happy with it. It's really a proof of concept at this point, no docking ports or anything so all it is really good for is mining science, but may lead to something further now that I know it can be safely, if not efficiently, be launched and landed somewhere else. Really I just wanted something pretty, hence the cool blue lights to match Minmus' minty surface. And while I'm at there is also a picture of my Minmus mining operation, definitely more useful, although also likely to be scaled up in future versions.
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