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Posts posted by mharrizone

  1. Hey, Sampa, Mike, Spock, and whoever else is on the team:

    First of all, I want to say I LOVE this mod, and thanks so much to you all for putting this together! The SSP is such an iconic space program, and mods like this and FASA are what keep me coming back for more KSP. I recently installed the ISS mod, and I'm having loads of fun assembling the station - 3 modules up already!

    Second, I've been checking the comments on the SSP threads now and then, and I noticed there seems to be a lot of organizational and inter-personal issues that keep popping up. If you're interested, I have quite a bit of software project management experience, and I'm absolutely willing to help out as a project manager to take some of the load off of y'all's backs. I can help with things like: roadmapping what needs to be done next; assigning tasks to whoever's available; streamlining and simplifying versions and releases; keeping track of bugs; and maybe even some of the community-facing support. Overall just keeping things organized so you guys don't have to keep track of it all and can focus on doing what you love most.

    Send me a PM if you'd like to talk more, I'm eager to help in any way I can!

    But in the meantime, if you'll excuse me, I've got a Z1 to attach to Unity =D

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