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  1. Quick question, what is the 'trust ratio' on Mun compared to Kerbin? For example, I want to be able to put some RCS thrusters on the top of my craft to allow me to tilt it from vertical to horizontal and back again on Mun. Rather than going to Mun and trying to work this out I figure if I find that on Kerbin I need a thrust of x and the ratio of thrust on Mun to Kerbin is 5 to 1, to do the same on Mun I'd need a thrust of x/5.
  2. As much as I love this game, sometimes I hate it. I just can't seem to work out how to use the Mobile Processing Lab (despite reading a number of posts.wikis about it). My plan is: 1. Land a MPL on Mun. 2. Using another craft (lets call it 'Science Gatherer') I will go around Mun and pick up heaps of science. 3. Science Gatherer will then stop by near the MPL (but not dock). Kerbal will EVA and take the experiments out of the Science Gatherer and store it in the MPL. 4. MPL will then start to process the data. 5. My kerbal (from Science Gatherer) will then collect the experiments and store them back in Science Gatherer. 6. Science Gatherer will dock with a space station I have around Mun. 7. Experiments will be transferred to another ship that will go back to Kerbin to get the full value of the science. First of all, will the above work/is it possible? Second, I'm trying to get this to kind of happen on the Kerbin launchpad and am failing at the first step. Q.1 How do you actually get data into the MPL? At the launchpad I have a ship with a MPL, two command modules and a number of science experiments. My understanding is that you run the experiment and then there will be an option to process it the MPL, this will add data to the MPL and then you can start researching in the MPL. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong but I often don't get the option to process in the MPL (can only some experiments be processed?). Q1.5 How would this work when I've collected the data on another craft. Do I extract the experiments from the other craft, store them in the MPL craft, review the data and there is suddenly a 'process in MPL' icon as the craft I'm in now has an MPL? Q.2 Do you need to have to Kerbals? I read one post where it mentioned that you had to have two, but nothing else I have read mentions a requirement to have two. Q.3 Is there anything else I should be aware of? Q.4 How would it be possible to land a MPL craft in a horizontal position on mun? At the moment I'll be landing my vertically with a docking port on top. But as it is 11.6 meters tall I expect if I tried to dock anything it would just fall over. Do people just land all of their surface 'bases' vertically?
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