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    Curious George

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  1. I guess i am happy about this? I mean, i am sorry to say i have heard it before and it took months to get an update. i for one, am excited for this update but am taking all this information with a grain of salt. I have had to tell more than a few folks to not buy the game for ps4 until the issues are fixed. They love watching my share play though and nearly didn't take my advice anyway. that's how good the game it is and is a testament to your hard work Number one priority for me is the game save issue. There is so much content in 1.0 i have not gotten to it all yet. I have limited time to play the game and corrupt save data ruins this for me. It takes me hours to create a spacecraft that may or may not result in data loss. (i could spend a week perfecting a spacecraft, i swear) Sad to say, i didn't mind the game crashing so long as it didn't delete my savedata Like others, i enjoy the game like no other, but it has been frustrating. If you look at last year, i created post requesting to be part of the beta team. I was told it would be tested internally. Once again, If you should require a tester for this update before releasing it please let me know. God knows i have been through just about every crash on PS4. Also, if you could fix the trophy issue with the flyby of kirbin that would be great, i am a bit of a trophy hunter on the console. remember that this is done AFTER you fix the save bug. I want to say thank you for taking the time to inform us. Anger does not come from not getting what we paid for as most people who play this type of game understand the challenges. It comes from the lack of communication. Communicate with us negatively or positively, we are adults here. its the lack of it that makes me feel ripped off. Nuff said, thanks for the update.
  2. did you all see the post I made last year if I could participate in the beta. Their "in house testers" will take care of it they said. LMAO
  3. Welp, the function for taking my money on the ps4 is working correctly, that is certainly a bonus.
  4. I assume you have fired all of your internal testing guys? remember when I asked this question? I never thought that 3 months after buying this game I would still be waiting to play it correctly.
  5. thank you for the prompt update. Myself and a few of my gaming buddies are excited for this title. Looking forward to it.
  6. Hello, I tried the search function and couldn't find another thread that had anything on this. Is there currently going to be a beta for the ps4? If so, will there be a sign up? If there a sign up, can I be number 1? thank you
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