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Everything posted by Malekit

  1. Hi all, i try to use Real fuel in RSS game In engine i can show in "Show GUI" for exemple for LV-T45 Aerozine50 + NTO for fuel BUT !!!! In liquid fuel tank in "Show GUI" i have ONLY LiquidFuel / Oxidizer /Monoprop / Xenongas Where is ALL OTHER type of fuel? (Aerozine50 + NTO for exemple) Thanks for helps
  2. For RealFuels what do you use ? Any tuto for explain what is the best ?
  3. Hi if anyone play with Rss in realistic mod please help me For exemple with RSS the FASA Saturn V can't escape to hearth gravity. In 0.90 ISP scaller difficulty mod can resolve this problem but how in 1.0.4 Thanks a lot
  4. Hi RSS is very good but when i try to fly with Saturn V FASA Mod it's impossible to go to the moon I can just orbit around the earth In 0.90 Kerbal ISP Difficulty scaler mod can resolve this problem but how in 1.0.4 ???? If any1 can reach Jupiter or Saturn orbit please explain me
  5. Hi RSS is very good but when i try to fly with Saturn V FASA Mod it's impossible to go to the moon I can just orbit around the earth In 0.90 Kerbal ISP Difficulty scaler mod can resolve this problem but how in 1.0.4 ???? If any1 can reach Jupiter or Saturn orbit please explain me
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