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  1. Hello, Thanks for the Calculator! Very useful tool! It worked fine for my early data, but when I added a mod it started crashing. error: Uncaught SyntaxError: Expected "=", "{" or [ \t] but "K" found. I wrote a quick and dirty patch to fix it for me as follows: Line 574 of prase_sjs.js var startClean = input.indexOf("Kerbals"); console.log( input.substring(startClean - 100, startClean + 1000) ); var newString = input.slice(startClean,-1); var stopClean = newString.indexOf("}"); input = input.slice(0, startClean) + input.slice(startClean + stopClean + 1, -1); console.log( input.substring(startClean - 100, startClean + 100) ); The following was the offending data, i think it is from the TextureReplacer mod. Anyway I removed the Kerbals group and it worked. i can send you the entire save file if you'd like: SCENARIO { name = TRScenario scene = 5 reflectionType = REAL isHelmetRemovalEnabled = True isAtmSuitEnabled = True Kerbals { Jebediah Kerman = M GENERIC GENERIC Bill Kerman = M GENERIC GENERIC Bob Kerman = M GENERIC GENERIC Valentina Kerman = F GENERIC GENERIC Mirbel Kerman = F GENERIC GENERIC Isabella Kerman = F GENERIC GENERIC Bobsen Kerman = M GENERIC GENERIC Tridia Kerman = F GENERIC GENERIC Maxgie Kerman = F GENERIC GENERIC Lene Kerman = F GENERIC GENERIC Asliana Kerman = F GENERIC GENERIC Keltrey Kerman = M GENERIC GENERIC Camwig Kerman = M GENERIC GENERIC Tetris Kerman = F GENERIC GENERIC Thomler Kerman = M GENERIC GENERIC Dilotte Kerman = F GENERIC GENERIC Jencan Kerman = M GENERIC GENERIC } ClassSuits { } }
  2. I'm very happy you like clicking the X. No one is taking your X away. I think the delete button should delete things if they are selected and you press delete. This is standard UI practice and its a more convenient workflow. Ah, I wasn't aware you could drag the maneuver node along the path, I didn't see anything in regards to this on the wiki when i looked up maneuver nodes. Would be great to add little arrows that are suggestive of this. Before I hear a "YOU SHOULD LOOK IT UP BETTER" or "THIS GAME SHOULDN'T BE CRITICIZED BECAUSE I LIKE IT AND ITS A SANDBOX AND YOUR SUPPOSE TO STRUGGLE AND ETC ETC" I'd like to say, I work in software engineering, both UI and scientific, and user experience improvements like these are boon to new users.
  3. It would be nice if when i selected a Maneuver node and hit the delete key, it deleted the node instead of returning me to to ship view. This should take all of 5 minutes for a talented developer to implement. Also, it would be a great feature if i could move the position of the maneuver node up and down on the trajectory the same way i can adjust velocities. This would make the game much more pleasant and orbits easier to tune.
  4. Hello, so I set up a shuttle using maneuvers to get to the mun. I found the paths of the orbit lines very bizarre. I was approaching to the front of the moon with my velocity going forward (the yellow dotted line) then at the mun entry point, it warps me across the screen and now my velocity vector is going the other way (from the start of the pink dotted line) and I'm headed in the opposite direction of the mun orbit. Is this a bug on my system or is it does KSP just do weird discontinuous orbits because their programmers didn't make the changes between conic approximation regions line up correctly?
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