Hello, Thanks for the Calculator! Very useful tool! It worked fine for my early data, but when I added a mod it started crashing. error: Uncaught SyntaxError: Expected "=", "{" or [ \t] but "K" found. I wrote a quick and dirty patch to fix it for me as follows: Line 574 of prase_sjs.js var startClean = input.indexOf("Kerbals"); console.log( input.substring(startClean - 100, startClean + 1000) ); var newString = input.slice(startClean,-1); var stopClean = newString.indexOf("}"); input = input.slice(0, startClean) + input.slice(startClean + stopClean + 1, -1); console.log( input.substring(startClean - 100, startClean + 100) ); The following was the offending data, i think it is from the TextureReplacer mod. Anyway I removed the Kerbals group and it worked. i can send you the entire save file if you'd like: SCENARIO { name = TRScenario scene = 5 reflectionType = REAL isHelmetRemovalEnabled = True isAtmSuitEnabled = True Kerbals { Jebediah Kerman = M GENERIC GENERIC Bill Kerman = M GENERIC GENERIC Bob Kerman = M GENERIC GENERIC Valentina Kerman = F GENERIC GENERIC Mirbel Kerman = F GENERIC GENERIC Isabella Kerman = F GENERIC GENERIC Bobsen Kerman = M GENERIC GENERIC Tridia Kerman = F GENERIC GENERIC Maxgie Kerman = F GENERIC GENERIC Lene Kerman = F GENERIC GENERIC Asliana Kerman = F GENERIC GENERIC Keltrey Kerman = M GENERIC GENERIC Camwig Kerman = M GENERIC GENERIC Tetris Kerman = F GENERIC GENERIC Thomler Kerman = M GENERIC GENERIC Dilotte Kerman = F GENERIC GENERIC Jencan Kerman = M GENERIC GENERIC } ClassSuits { } }