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Everything posted by enthusiast

  1. Thanks for all your helpful replies! I set the parachute to open at 1000 m instead of 500m and prevented myself from clicking deploy until the velocity was below 250 m/s and it worked perfectly!
  2. Hi there, I'm a complete beginner, but enjoying Kerbal, playing version 1.0.4. Just wondering if anyone of you managed to re-enter Kerbal and land successfully in the training scenario To The Mun: Part 2? After reading a few of other people's forum quips, I've tried low orbits, shallow angle re-entries, re-orienting the capsule to have the tip pointing away from the heat, however every time the result is the same: The parachute burns up from heat whether I deploy it or not. Also it seems in the earlier versions of the Kerbal, the heat did not really start until 35,000m above ground, whereas in my version the heat already starts at 55,000m above ground. The parachute also seems to deploy automatically sometimes even without me pressing any buttons... I don't quite understand what I'm doing wrong? Thanks for any hints!
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