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  1. Is there a way to use the stock PID or mechjeb's PID for the flight computer? I'm getting a ton of oscillation when trying to hold attitude (node, prograde, etc.). The craft swings back and forth 5-10 degress from the intended attitude
  2. Awesome job on this! do we still need Kopernicus for this in 1.1? I saw on the OP that we need Kopernicus but it doesnt mention it in the README.
  3. Hey the Spawnpoint fix worked, they're showing up in KK, but now the launchsites seem to be getting built at the wrong lat and long. They're getting placed way north (like 28 lat.). Not sure if they're supposed to be there, but they're actually being built under the terrain with the given altitude at those coordinates. I looked at the misslerow2.cfg and I didn't see any RefLongitude or RefLatitude for the launch sites. Again, not too familiar with KK so maybe that has nothing to do with it. Just FYI
  4. Oh nice. I knew it had to be something simple since they were obviously getting built. I looked at the cfg's but i dont have much experience with KK so that was a wast of time. I'll let you know if i spot anything else. But they look amaaazing
  5. Awesome mod! Been looking forward to this for a while. Welcome back! Am i missing something with selecting the launch sites with KK? None of the pads show up when I open the KK selector in VAB. I can see them when i launch from the stock pad so they're getting built. I have the KSC and Gantry folders installed in GameData. Do they need to be in the KerbalKonstructs folder or something?
  6. gorgeous crafts!! i've been having tons of trouble building my own b-2, x-47, and recently b-21 with FAR. Major stability issues Would you be willing to share your b-21 craft file so i can take a look at your wings?
  7. i tried using the kOS script from youtube but i have trouble getting past launch. did you have to change anything in the scripts?
  8. this might be a dumb question, but where does the Configs folder in the download go? Or do i put the rescaled.cfg somwhere?
  9. is there a mod for ICBMs out there for 1.0.4? the actual vehicles themselves, i.e. trident II, minuteman III, topol, etc.?
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