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Everything posted by nightfireadam

  1. It's all good now; yeah it's in a new part in the tech tree! Before I got back online, I had ulocked all the tech levels but since I updated, there were new tech "branches" to unlock so that was the problem! lol didn't see that one lol Thank you for helping me I appreciate it!
  2. This is the dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/lpx5ik5t7ixp61j/output_log.txt?dl=0 (hope it works), hastebin said the text is too large. Varifying the game cache didn't work. I can see it in the sandbox game but in my career mode, it's not there, wierd! Not really clued up on it lol. I hope that gives you enough info?
  3. I use the Steam KSP, don't know I think the version is 1.0.4. KerbalEngineer, and Squad is in the GameData Folder. What file site do I upload the file to? Never heard of hastebin. Not sure of all the parts missing but the ones I noticed so far are the thermometer, the standard stack decoupler (the yellow one) there was a couple of others which I can't remember but I need the thermometer for this mission I'm on. Haven't done a reinstall yet. I hope this is enough info for you.
  4. Hi. I downloaded: Kerbal Engineer Redux last year, moved house and recently got back onto the internet just a couple of days ago, I had to download the update and since then there were some parts missing in my parts menu, new ones tho which is cool but some of the old ones are missing, even the thermometer which I can't get back. Can anyone please steer me in the right direction? cheers!
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