Greetings fellow Kerbonauts! I'm sorry if this post does not follow certain procedures, but I'm new to this and am just looking for a bit of help. I'm attempting to do a real-time game of KSP, but for this I'm going to need to get KSP to run in the background. I'm using v1.0.4 on a Windows 10 computer. I do have a bunch of mods installed, and would like to keep it that way because of how intense this project is. As I'm typing this KSP is up on my second monitor in a borderless window (yes, I know about the -popupwindow trick already), and the timers on KAC are not ticking down at all. Any other ideas on how to get it to run in the background, or is this a 100% purely lost cause? Also: I don't need feedback on the idea of doing real-time Kerbal, I know what I'm getting in to, let me learn on my own .