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    Idiot who does werid things in ksp.

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  1. I seem to be having a problem in 1.0.5 where JSI deletes the instruments and doesn't add anything. I have the latest version.
  2. That's still landing with no parachutes. Yes
  3. Well for one thing if u build it out of structal parts(it makes it look nice) it can cause a lot of lag.
  4. I would like to have KW Rocketry and EVE Added to the stock game. Kerbin Side would be nice.
  5. that works I said no engines, rcs counts Im thinking about re-uploading this challenge with better rules
  6. I just edited this for no wheels but since this was before the edit I will lets slide.
  7. I'm rather new to the forum but I have a challenge. Suppose you just came back from the mun and you realize that you forgot your parachutes. The challenge is to land safely on kerbin with no parachutes and NO Engines. Your craft must start from an orbit of at least 90km. It must survive reentry heating (duh). No Mods are allowed except for FAR. The craft must carry at least 1 kerbal and he must survive the landing. Rankings: Easiest: Land on Kerbin. Easy: Land on kerbin within 20km of KSC. Moderate: Land On Duna. Hard: Land on Eve: Impossible: (dunno why I put this) Land on any planet without an atmosphere( I would like it to be gilly) Again No Mods allowed. Oh and one more thing that makes the challenge super hard: NO WHEELS RCS is allowed. Please take screenshots and if you have recording software, a video would be great. Better yet, Craft Files! A space plane the can land in the ocean is helpful for this challenge
  8. I've built a plane that can go to the edge of the atmosphere, has 25 engines, 651 parts, and can (almost) fly all the way around Kerbin. Unfortunately, 1.0 rendered it un-fly-able as it hat a lot of part clipping so not much wing surface. This isn't really much of a challenge.
  9. With Kw Rocketry it could be possible to get 25.000 M/s dV but still very hard. 6 or 7 mk3 Passenger Modules should be around 100 kerbals. But still, Very big and laggy .
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