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  1. 'lo I've kicked off a new playthrough with this rescale recently and I like it very much so far. It is just right in terms of difficulty, not quite frustrating as 6.4x without real fuels but still gives a challenge. But think that the atmospheres (or heatshields or heat model) may need some tweaking when played with FAR. Having played some RSS, reentries from high orbits or interplanetary trajectories feel really unforgiving. I made a very light and simple Eve lander, basically a probe core with 2 static solar panels, science instruments (the light ones, no goo or materials bay), parachute and a 1.25m stock heatshield, and I absolutely haven't figured out how to land the probe coming from a Kerbin -> Eve Hohmann transfer orbit. The atmosphere "begins" at 100km, significant heat effects begin at 90km, noticeable g-forces begin at 80km, but at this point, the heatshield melts and the probe explodes. With peripasis just at 90km, the atmosphere does chew off some speed so that you get an elliptical orbit, but nearly all the ablator is gone, which means that any further reentry attempts result in an instant explosion once the probe gets below 90km. Also reentering a simple capsule from Minmus feels very hard even when controlling the reentry very carefully with pitching. The heat effects start abruptly and all the ablator goes whooosh very fast without slowing down at all. Or do I just suck? On the other hand, I successfully managed to drop a probe (no heatshield) from Ike to Duna's surface (only solar panels burning off) with periapsis underneath the surface. Tuning down the heating to about 60% makes it manageable, but the LKO reentries get quite... tame, so to speak
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