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  1. I set it to cricularize at the periapsis, like the periapsis is inside the moon lol.. Im not able to deaccelerate fast enought. I'll try with a lower orbit as we speak. *EDIT* Figured it out. The crashing occured because i ran out of fuel LOL.. The landing is still a bit sketchy. i land like on the sites, and not on my landing gear xD .. I will learn over time. Thanks for your help!
  2. Hello. First of all. I've been following this guide: http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Tutorial:Moon_landing_using_mods Going into Earth orbit works no problem. This doesnt work. Whenever i press on the Circularize it says i have no aposis point or something. Then i set it to "by altitude" instead, and set it to 400km. Works fine. Orbiting the mun. I follow this completely, and i just crash into the mun.
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