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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. There is a whole bunch of really nasty chemicals, but the most toxic propellant I work with is hydrazine
  2. Thanks! Thanks for the tip, Realism Overhaul looks really good Hej granne! Is everything okay on the other side of the pond? I have had a mid-air break-up as well as some engine explosions during testing, but I have no spectacular images to share. Thanks, it's a little side project I'm working on
  3. Lyfta-XS är en experimentell raket som endast kan lyfta en nyttolast på 2.5kg till 10 000m. Den större varianten av raketen Lyfta-S är under utveckling som kommer kunna lyfta en nyttolast på 10kg till 120 000m, denna beräknas vara redo för en första provflygning tidigt 2017.
  4. http://nordicrocket.com
  5. This sounds like something fun to try! I have a bi-prop rocket engine lying around, which is designed for H2O2 / Gasoline. I can modify the injection and test syrup as fuel.
  6. I am looking forward to see The Martian tonight
  7. So they will land, take a sample, and re-turn to Earth with a spacecraft weighing less than 10kg? Just the engine, propellant and control system weighs a lot. Then they also need a re-entry capsule and parachutes. It would perhaps be possible to do this in several steps: On the first landing you leave the engine and control system. On the second landing you leave the propellant. The third landing brings the sample extract system and recovery system. Step four is to solve the assembly of everything. I would like to see to their calculations, they maybe have it all figured out.
  8. malte

    Best linux OS?

    I went from Ubuntu to Kubuntu and then I switched to Mint, I'm not saying it is the best but I like it
  9. Tjenare! En raket och teknikgalen student här som har spelat KSP till och från i drygt en två års period nu. Jag har ett företag som utvecklar, bygger och skjuter upp raketer med flytande drivmedel.
  10. Hello everybody, I have been playing KSP on and off for a two year period now! I am a full-time student who runs a small aerospace company that develops, manufactures and launches rockets with H2O2 as propellant.
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