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  1. Just do "male, female, other" as gender options. And the ethnicity thing is really messed up. Not only because it's racist and won't give any meaningful data, but it's also wrong in so many frikkin' other ways. Why is there a differentation between South, East and West African? Just Say African(Sub-Sahara) or Central African. And are you saying all Asians are either middle eastern, mongoloid, indo-aryan(Or indian-pakistan, as you call it), polynesian or chinese? Because that's what your survey says. Speaking of stuff your survey says, arctic canada and alaska aren't part of north america? Last time I checked, it was. And I'm pretty sure bunching Maya and Inca together while having seperate Aztec options is also wrong, though then again there aren't any of any of those really since like 500 years...just say native latin american or something. In fact, if you wanna get any useful data, just ask for caucasian, middle eastern, african, asian, native american, and maybe indo-aryan. Or, if you don't want to offend anyone and not be racist and get even better data, just ask for nationality.
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