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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I can see now why that is problematic, well would have been nice to add optical astronomy to the map view. Thank you for clarifying this.
  2. Can I add an optical scanner (telescope) for ScanSat myself? The idea is to use texture replacer to switch the planet textures to a low res version. And then use one of the camera/telescope mod parts with added "optical scanner" module to uncover a high resolution map of the planet and view it with ScanSat's overlay mode. Can that be done by editing part and config files or would that require tho modify ScanSat ? Thx.
  3. Sorry for the misunderstanding, I could replicate the bug I put only 4x of the mini thrusters at the end of my test vessel, they fire if fine control was activated but it is not, toggling doesn't help. In my previous attempts I had multiple sets of 4x RM-105-45 and stock RCS on the vessel, the bug did not occur. That is very strange.
  4. That would be true for a sphere, LostOblivions's vessel is a cylinder the FL-T800 fuel tank alone is 2.4 times longer than wide, the rest adds even more weight while the diameter stays the same.
  5. HeyLostOblivion, I did a quick experiment, I have used the same RM-105-45 RCS thrusters as you, and put them on a rocket that approximates yours. The problem is the Mini thrusters have not enough thrust to roll the rocket quickly, during pitch and yaw the thrusters are far away from the center of mass, this means they have a long lever. For roll however the only half the diameter of your fuel tank can be used as leverage, to test this I also put a second set of RM-105-45 thrusters on booms (5 cubic octagonal struts). I got the following results for a 60° turn in seconds. Stock RCS: 7 RM-105-45: 22 On boom Stock RCS: 2 RM-105-45: 6 So you could use more RCS thrusters or put them further away from the central axis. P.s. Sorry if that sounds confusing English is not my first language.
  6. Normally debris gets deleted when is periapsis is below 35-30km I think, is there a config file value to raise that to 65 km for example or is that hardcoded.
  7. If you used the "Ascend Guidance" autopilot then there is no function to limit the Ascend speed to a specific value. You can use "Limit to terminal velocity" but that would be around 250 m/s for the first kilometers, then there is "Limit acceleration to" X in m/s² that would limit how fast your rocket accelerates, you could decrease that value until you are out of the thickest part of the atmosphere, try setting it to 14 m/s². Other than that I can highly recommend the Kerbal joint reinforcement mod, it sets the strength of the connections to more realistic values.
  8. Here you can find syntax files for: Atom, Nano, Notepad++ and last but not least Vim. https://github.com/KSP-KOS/EditorTools
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