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Posts posted by ernstsmit

  1. On 9/24/2020 at 8:27 PM, Geonovast said:

    I am also getting the black squares.  They seem to follow me whereever I go, however they disappear when I am about 1km above the ground.

    Primarily have been trying in KSP 1.9.1, but I get the same result in 1.10.1.  I get it in Linux and in Windows.  GoG and Steam versions of the game. 

    Tried on two different computers.  i7-7700K/64GB DDR4/GTX 1070Ti and Ryzen 7-2700/32GB DDR4/GTX 1070Ti.  Same result in every combination.

    Terrain scatters enable and turned up to 100%.

    I have tried it with and without Parallax, with and without EVE/Scatterer, with and without Sigma.

    For 1.9.1, using Kopernicus 1.9.1-1 from here.

    For 1.10.1, using Kopernicus BE 1101 Release 30 from here.

    Using Beyond Home version 1.5.1  (BTW, in case nobody else has reported it, either the 1.5.1 download on github is wrong or the version file is wrong, as it says 1.4.0.)




    Log File: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dNwuv0VfEHXqHeG6-_VuhYzlGw7I8iQF/view?usp=sharing


    I tried aga in, fresh install of 1.10.1 with just Kopernicus, Beyond Home, and Parallax.

    I get this on startup:



    Terrain Quality is on Ultra.  Beyond Home, Kopernicus, and Modular Flight Integrator are all installed. 



    It's still working to some degree since the game loads and I'm able to launch vessels, just with those black boxes.

    Hello, I have the same problem. Did you get this fixed???

  2. Please help.


    I installed this:

    1) KSP 1.8.1(with both DLC)

    2) Beyond Home 1.5.2

    3) Kopernicus 1.8.1-1

    4) Parallax 1.0.1 (I also tried removing this, with no change).

    I get this black terrain that follows me around with a rover and also with an airplane. I removed Parallax and it made no difference. I changed the tessellation and texture settings for my video driver and it made no difference. I did turn terrain scatters to 100% and set terrain quality to highest as instructed.

    Does anyone know how I can fix this, please? I really want to play this mod, but if I cannot get this fixed then it is basically unplayable.

    The system I'm playing on has a 1300X CPU, a RX550 GPU with 4GB VRAM and 16GB of memory.

    KSP log file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13HU-ZlVskGtdoE6gr319dAcl2T73G3jn/view?usp=sharing


  3. 9 hours ago, BobTheKerbal said:

    I'm using 1.4 but it aint' workin

    Hi there, I used it with all versions of 1.4.x as they where released one after the other. I'm currently running it on KSP 1.5.0 (haven't updated to 1.5.1 yet) and it works great. If you have problems with this mod running on any version of 1.4.x I would suggest the problem lies elsewhere. Check that you have all the dependencies correctly installed and that you don't have any conflicting mods. I would suggest to make a copy of your KSP folder then in the copy folder, delete all the mods and only load ScifiVE and its dependencies, making sure that it works correctly. Then add your other mods back one at a time or a few at a time (depending how many mods you have) to see which of you're mods might be causing a conflict. Good luck!

  4. I delete the lower layers of Eve clouds after installing the mod, because 1) You need to be able to see where you want to land from orbit, as around 50% of the planet it covered with ocean. 2) It's extremely unnerving to be 10-15k above the surface and not be able to see the terrain below you. That's just my preference and its very easy to change, so no need to modify anything on my behalf.

  5. On 3/15/2018 at 1:02 AM, panzer1b said:

    Well good news those of you that actually like this mod.  Im switching jobs to a far better one, and ill have 2 weeks off between them, so there is a good chance (no promises ofc but very high likelyhood) that ill make another update to this mod since most of us are moving on to 1.4 (screw the EULA, once its on my machine ill do whatever i please with software solong as its only personal use), but ofc itll still work in 1.3 and earlier solong as you get the right version of EVE.  Once my 2nd job starts ill have just as little spare time as usual (so no updates outside of vacation and or when i get time), but im confident that i can release a small update to the one mod i literally cant play enjoy KSP without, and i think itll be well worth it.

    What ive done already is splitting the mod into 3 sections, the base mod which comes with atmospheres and glow layers, a dedicated cloud addon, and a dedicated dust/ground fx addon.  This allows people that arent as computer savy to choose what fx they want to have added, rather then forcing one to use the whole mod or have to delete cfgs from the folders.  Itll be basically 3 separate mods so to speak, just the cloud and dust mod requires the base to work.

    Another thing that ive been working on is making the planetary/atmospheric glows much prettier looking, namely by tweaking the length and strength of the fade out at the border, so it actually looks crazy good considering the limitations i have to work with in EVE and scatterer.

    Finally, ive optimized the entire mod to work with and without scatterer (you can pretty much choose to install scatterer if you can afford the performance drop), so theres that option if you want it.




    What im still contemplating is replacing ALL the cloud layers, since ive started using the uvnoise texture to cut down on pixelation, and thus i can make better looking clouds that dont pixelate, dont require insane resolution detail textures, and generally look alot better.  The other benefit of this is that clouds now follow the cloud formations exactly, so where there are no clouds you will not see ANY particle based clouds, and where you see clouds there will be particles every time.  Perfomance remains identical, but it should cut down on ram use since its nolonger loading 10+ 4096x4096 textures.


    Also, what do you guys think of the ablation effect i added to moho.  I made it have 2 separate glowy layers now, one that has this massive aura at a distance, and one that has teh normal surface glow as per use.

    Awesome, can't wait! And all the best with the new Job, hope it works out great for you!

  6. On 2017/06/29 at 0:49 AM, Avera9eJoe said:

    Reserving for scoreboards :) I was planning on posting immediately after the challenge went public but sadly it wasn't released when I had my timer set :/ we'll have to do with scoreboards being on the 6th post instead. I'll start adding this this evening when I'm back from the USS Midway museum!

    EDIT: Rats! I wish the title post wasn't reworded so much... I had made a custom banner and had some fun wording included :P

    • Bone stock
    • Destructible facilities

    Thomas_smith: 246T tanker

    おしるこ: 150T VTOL

    anarog_1: 110T DDR machine

    EBOSHI: 69T 'Tiger Moth' from Laputa

    Spoo Hunter: VTOL

    momo219: 61T Gundam

    ws513: 211T tanker

    Rezolution: 42T non-VTOL Jet

    ws513: 739T tanker

    Cloma: 366T tanker

    Vaisman: 809T tanker

    EBOSHI: 200T 'Throwing Spear' Tanker

    Vaisman: 1600T twin tankers

    Red Shirt: 1T VTOL

    momo219: 1003T Submarine

    Raptor9: 4T VTOL jet

    DualDesertEagle: 15T VTOL F-22

    inivision: 873T tanker

    Azimech: 1200T crane (And potted plant)

    Kurtayn: 2997.92T tanker

    Azimech: 10T 1969 Dodge Charger R/T

    seiryu: 11T VAB-ramp...

    Ossan3: 549T ore refinery

    seiryu: 341T cargo plane

    kozutti: 0.1T Valentina launched from a cannon

    *MajorTom*: 380T K-thulhu statue

    • All mods except tweakscale
    • Indestructible facilities

    MatthewTheFurry: 4T helicopter

    freK: 1022T potted plant (and tanker)

    Just Jim: 234T 'Annabel Lee' airship

    ernstsmit: 3314T tanker

    PlonioFludrasco: VTOL cargo plane (w/ BDA)

    roadkill10ukulele10: 2113T tanker






















    Hey mister Joe, no badges received yet?

  7. 7 hours ago, XLjedi said:

    I didn't necessarily read the rules that it had to be in one trip... was that implied?  I was thinkin if you can get to Eeloo you can get to a lot of places and you shoot it to the next planet and get to score that one too.  Kind of a "help people with lower end PC's see the Kerbol system" 

    I didn't think of refueling. Thought that aiming to get "anywhere" with a low part count and low cost was a cool idea. This should land practically anywhere from Kerbin (excluding Tylo and Moho) without needing any gravity assists. Not suitable for a "grand tour" though, might get Mun, Minmus and then maybe Ike or Gilly if you are lucky.

    Maybe I interpreted the challenge incorrectly, but still think it is a worthy effort.

  8. 5 hours ago, qzgy said:

    TBH, this is kinda a test of the anything goes category. If anything, I'd be happy with a gatecrasher prize. :D

    Hax were used in the form of indestructible facilities and vesselmover.

    Again, it said anything goes, apart from tweakscale. I call this fair game (AFAIK)

    The challenge objective states: "Build a craft and land it on top of the VAB". I contend that you technically did not "land" your craft on the VAB. To land it implicates that you have to fly it first. So even with "anything goes" stated I believe your entry missed the spirit of the challenge. Ultimately it's not my desicion though and I will wait for the official result. 

  9. On 2017/05/30 at 0:53 PM, Daveroski said:

    A economical way without a lot of maths and guesswork is to plot a node so that you will get a polar orbit, any polar orbit but with a low pe.

    Get to pe and close the orbit but only just so that the ap is as high as possible.

    Do a plane change from as close to ap as possible while raising your pe to that of the target.

    Plot your intercept.


    I have noticed in videos on Youtube a lot of people get this wrong. When you get to a new SOI, don't circularize immediately. Plane changes use a LOT of dV once circularized. In stead I do a small burn to only just capture orbit. Then do the plane changes at the very high AP. This very large plane changes can be done for very small dV cost. Then once the plane is matched do the circularization burn.


    The only downside to this is that an orbit with a very high AP takes a long time to complete. So if you have a time constraint for some reason then this might not work properly. In that case you can bring the AP lower, just remember that the lower it is the more costly the Plane Change Burn.

    Here is a quick example, say my PE is at 100km above Kerbin and my AP is near Minmus Orbit. To do the 6 degree plane change to match Minmus plane would require 330m/s at PE and only 5m/s at AP for the same plane change.


  10. Nice challenge! I've never flown a plane further than the island landing strip before. My first attempt worked perfectly! I wanted to do something different so I decided to go south in stead of east or west. Flew all the way to the south pole! Hope it counts as technically I didn't land on a continent, but an ice shelf, but I definitely crossed an ocean!


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